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mgeise's post in Does JasperReports Server support TomCat 9.0.22 ? was marked as the answer
mgeise's post in Converting Some Reports To PDF Takes A Long Time was marked as the answer
Assuming that it is not just a giant report and it will occassionally return fast and sometimes slow - When it happens, you may want to check the memory utilization on your server. It is likely that you are running low on memory. Systems can slow down when they start utilizing the swap space. This could be caused by other people running alot of concurrent reports combined with reports running on a schedule, etc. Running your server with plenty of memory and tuning your garbage collection, etc. (Some of the recommended parameters are found in the installation guide) can improve the performance of your reports quite a bit.
mgeise's post in unable to run the report in Jasper Server was marked as the answer
Is it possible that you are looking at the wrong query? It seems to be complaining about the query for the "Comparison Graph." Potentially this is a query that is generated from a subreport or a chart that you added separate from the main report query. You might try turning the logging up on the server or even try catching the query in the DB to see what the actual query is. It is definitely a problem with the query that is getting sent to the DB.
Poking around the internet a bit, I found that this has been seen and the response was:
I got this error when I was using PostgreSQL to query an Amazon Redshift database. To fix it, I had to change the RANK function to this Redshift-specific function:
Another item that I found that shows why this might happen is this:
In the result, the database returns four records. If we want to get only one entry for every name, we can use DISTINCT:
In the example, we have to use DISTINCT in both SELECT statements; otherwise, an error is displayed:
SELECT DISTINCT name FROM customer INTERSECT SELECT name FROM salesERROR: get_sortgroupclause_tle: ORDER/GROUP BY expression not found in targetlist
mgeise's post in Is Jasper affected by Heartbleed bug ( was marked as the answer
JasperReports Server does not actually ship with OpenSSL. It would be library that is on the actual server shipped within the operating system (not within JasperReports Server). If you have OpenSSL installed on your server, you should be able to do a simple update to it to ensure that you are not vulnerable. The following has some information on how to run the update on various operating systems.
If your concern is not about the product, but instead about our websites (,, etc), we updated our OpenSSL version very quickly, within the first day of when heartbleed was announced. We do not feel that any user information has been corrupted, however we recommend that you change your passwords just as recommended by most sites base on this issue. Regularly changing your passwords is always a good practice to improve security.
mgeise's post in Where are the county codes/country codes documented? was marked as the answer
You might try looking here:
I see something there called markers that seems to cover what you are looking for.
mgeise's post in How to solve when server has encountered an Error Message? was marked as the answer
This looks like you created an input control/filter that is expecting a value from some other filter. Either it does not exist or it is a circular dependency where they both depend on each other.
mgeise's post in iReport Error evaluating expression was marked as the answer
The order in which your Variables are defined matters. Since the LCIncr_Total actually uses LC_Increase, LC_Increase needs to appear before LCIncr_Total. In the report inspector panel, you should be able to just grab the LC_Increase variable and move it up higher in the list (before LCIncr_Total, but after LCUpPrice since LCUpPrice is used to define LC_Increase).
Try that and see if it solves things for you.
mgeise's post in Getting an error when using a date parameter [Resolved] was marked as the answer
Posting solution as an answer:
"I figured it out. I had to change the $P!{start_date} to $P{start_date}"
mgeise's post in help executing the HTML5 chart example in the iReport ultimate guide was marked as the answer
When you install the product, the Foodmart DB is one of the sample DBs loaded into Postgres - The sample is using this DB.
mgeise's post in Jasperserver reports repository was marked as the answer
The way to do this is to use the same repository with two different app servers. Turning the scheduler off on the server with the users and taking the other out of your load balancer rotation. See here:
mgeise's post in Jasper Reports Server Community License? was marked as the answer
JasperReports Library is offered under the LGPLv3 license
JasperReports Server, iReport, and Jaspersoft Studio are offered under the AGPLv3 license
Many of the licenses included in the source are included as part of the requirements of open source components within JasperReports Server, etc. It is not dual licensed other than Jaspersoft also offers a commercial license for paying customers.
mgeise's post in community edition of JasperReports Server to come with html5 charts was marked as the answer
No, the community edition will not have the new HTML charting library.
The following will give you a list of the new features in both the commercial and community editions.
mgeise's post in if then else Boolean question was marked as the answer
You need to do one of the following and it will work:
($F{BooleanField}.toString().equals("true") ? "URGENT!!" : "") ($F{BooleanField}.booleanValue() ? "URGENT!!" : "") -
mgeise's post in Reports are saved in the repository... but what table? was marked as the answer
You are correct that they do not reside on the filesystem. I think what you are looking for is may be in two tables:
jifileresource - Report Definitions (JRXML files), Server UI stylesheets (CSS), Domain definitions and security files (XML), etc. jicontentresource - Report output from scheduled report executions (PDF, HTML, XLSX, etc) In both of these tables, the files are stored as a binary datatype in the reposotory database.
mgeise's post in Compile error at report generation was marked as the answer
I don't know for sure, but it looks like maybe you have an error in a Groovy expression within your report somewhere. It expected a ')' in but found a 'for' - check your report for an expression that has this error.
mgeise's post in Hide / Unhide Input Control based on Parent Input Control was marked as the answer
It is not possible to control the display of an input control based on another input control. The only available dependancy between input controls is through cascading input controls where the value in one control can be used in a query to control the related values available in the next control.
I recommend adding this as a feature request in the Tracker.
mgeise's post in Max Value of Date Parameter as Sysdate or Today's date was marked as the answer
Unfortunately, this (entering an expression as the minimum/maximum values) is not something that is currently supported within the input controls. I recommend logging it as an enhancement request in the Tracker.
In the mean time, to acheive nearly the same result, what you could do is allow the future dates but then do a check on the parameter value within the report to see if it is greater than today's date - using a java expression, etc.. If it is greater, then you could use set a variable to today's date and use that in your query and add some text into your report with a printwhen expression that matches the scenario to let the end user know that the report has been run using today's date.
I hope that is helpful.
mgeise's post in Single Select Query Always returns the first value not the one selected was marked as the answer
Things that could be happening:
It is actually using the default value for the parameter as defined in the JRXML because the name of the input control does not match the parameter name that you are trying to populate, or The query is not actually using the parameter when it is running (Maybe you were testing something and pulled out the $P{parameter_name} from the query and replaced it with a value) Maybe the IDs coming from your DB are Strings and those that you had defined before (and that your query is expecting) are integers or vice versa. We have not had any complaints that the single select query based input controls do not work. You could try printing out the parameter value on your report just to verify the value (doing so with the list input control and comparing them, may tell you something).
mgeise's post in JasperReports Server 4.7.0 connect with JasperMobile App for Android was marked as the answer
Your server must be deployed in a way that you can access it from your phone - either through a public DNS entry/ip address or by getting your phone connected to your local network so that it can see the machine that your server is installed on. Once you have this set up - you can verify by trying to hit it with a browser from your phone - it is simply a matter of setting up the server connection within the JasperMobile app.
mgeise's post in JasperReport Parameter was marked as the answer
You may want to try $P!{whereCondition} instead of $P!{wherecondition} as it is case sensitive.
mgeise's post in Setting Print Titles when exporting to Excel was marked as the answer
This is not something that can currently be configured within the report design. I would recommend logging it as an enhancement request in the tracker.
mgeise's post in Jaspersoft Studio Data Connector for MySQL was marked as the answer
You need to download and add the mysql driver to the classpath of Jaspersoft Studio. Older versions of iReport were shipped with the MySQL driver, but I don't think they are shipped with the newer versions.
mgeise's post in email scheduler help how to configure was marked as the answer
Your email server is likely missing a valid SSL cert. Either you are connecting on a secure port or the standard port is redirected to a secure port - either way, Java is expecting a valid cert.
mgeise's post in Use External Authentication with Jaspersoft was marked as the answer
The typical way that JasperReports Server does Single Sign-on is by verifying the credentials against another system and then putting that username, etc. into the JasperReports Server user list with the role that matches from the secondary system. The following is an example of how this is done with OpenLDAP: Using the HTTP API, it is possible to send a user to JasperReports server with the credentials in the request, effectively logging them in.
JasperReports Server is using Spring Security under the covers so that may be a place to start. There is also a External Authentication Cookbook available to Jaspersoft Commercial Customers on the support portal or to the community through the Online store, however it covers a few examples like LDAP, etc. and would only provide you with background on how things work generally to help you accomplish what you are looking for.
Hopefully this helps.
mgeise's post in unable to update to jasperreports 4.7.0 was marked as the answer
From JasperReports Library 4.6, there is a minimum requirement of Java 1.6. Java 1.5 hit it's end of life date back in October 2009.