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Everything posted by gabrielinux

  1. Try increasing both the Java memory allocation and the mysql buffer memory (mysql.ini).
  2. Could you just create a generic account that everyone can use? You can limit that account's access to only a "public" folder where you can put reports for anonymous users to access. You could put the generic account user id and password in your login page.
  3. Hi Babs, JasperSoft offers a complete suite of applications. Among the open source editions you will find iReport (a report designer, similar to Crystal Reports), JasperServer (reporting server), and others. You can use iReport to design and run reports locally. However, if you want to give other uses access to your reports via a web browser, you will need to install JasperServer, which is a web server that hosts reports. You would still design your reports in iReport, and then upload them to the server.
  4. I haven't used JasperServer with a Postgres database, but if mysql has some tables that postrges doesn't, then perhaps you should add them?
  5. I don't think you can do that, because the database and much of the code have changed. There are some scripts included to upgrade from 2.1 to 3.1, and you could run them in a test server so you don't mess with your production data.
  6. Are these scheduled reports outputs in PDF/XLS, or just filex eported by clicking the PDF/XLS icons?
  7. I"m not quite sure what you're trying to do.... Do you want to click on a hyperlink and have it open another report, passing doc_number as a parameter?
  8. I think JasperServer is designed mostly just to run reports (read-only), not to enter data like a web form.
  9. There are two versions available, one that's commercial and one that's open source. The open source one doesn't have all the features of the commercial edition, but it's VERY usable and it's free, even for commercial use. To use the commercial version, you need to pay for a license. You'll need to get a quote from jaspersoft.com.
  10. I don't think you can unless create custom JSP pages. Do a search in this forum for "cascading" input controls.
  11. I usually do a UNION in my query... something like this: SELECT '%' AS Value, ' All ' AS Label UNION ALL SELECT MachineName AS Value, MachineName AS Label FROM NC_Workstation Then, in your report query, you would use LIKE: SELECT * FROM NC_Workstation WHERE MachineName LIKE $P{InputMachineName} This blog post has some examples: http://blog-gabriel.mongefranco.com/2008/07/csv-and-wildcard-searches-in.html
  12. I'm not sure if this helps, but just in case.... http://blog-gabriel.mongefranco.com/2008/07/csv-and-wildcard-searches-in.html
  13. Add this at the end of your URL: &decorate=no&output=swf Also see: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=44405
  14. Add this to your URL: decorate=no Also see: http://blog-gabriel.mongefranco.com/2008/08/creating-dashboard-in-sharepoint-using.html?showComment=1219387020000
  15. Right-click your pie chart and got to chart properties. One of the tabs lets you set a collection of colors to use in each slice.
  16. For security reasons, I would recommend making a separate report for each partner, each in its own folder, and each folder with its own permissions.
  17. See http://blog-gabriel.mongefranco.com/2008/08/creating-dashboard-in-sharepoint-using.html. Basically, you'll want to pass these parameters in the URL: decorate=no&output=html
  18. Make sure you have the JasperServer plugin installed. Then, configure your repository browser to connec to JasperServer. Open the report you created. Expand the repository browser, right-click the folder where you want your report, and select Add Report Unit. When it asks you for the source JRXML, click Get Current and it will copy the report you have open.
  19. In iReport, go to View -> Paremeters and make sure your parameters are defined. If they aren't, add them.
  20. Check out the API and developer docs in the JasperServer section. I did this just using the HTTP interface and frames, because in the API, you need to parse the reports yourself. :(
  21. Hi all, I need to run a report from databae A where a PONumber field appears in database B. Since the databases resided on different servers and are not linked together, I thought maybe I could do this with a sub-report? Any idea how? My first query would retrieve a whole bunch of order numbers: SELECT DISTINCT TicketNumber FROM A WHERE A.TicketStatus = 'Open'; My second query, and the one for the report I actually need, would look like this: SELECT PONumber, PODate, POStatus FROM B WHERE B.TicketNumber IN (... results from the previous query... ); Any idea how I accomplis this? Thanks!
  22. I figured it out... DefaultJasperViewer.jsp can be used to hide the toolbar. :) I wrote a short tutorial here if anyone is interested: http://blog-gabriel.mongefranco.com/2008/08/creating-dashboard-in-sharepoint-using.html
  23. Now I'm wondering -- is there something I can change in an XML or JSP file to prevent the menus from showing up?
  24. Actually, I was talking about iReport -- but Sherman's way works too if you want to setup defaults from within JasperServer directly. :)
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