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  1. thats exactly what i wanted to ask .... i wanted to create a test server based on my current data on jasperserver ... on the same machine, i duplicated the jasperserver webapp directory into a new name, and then copied the entire jasperserver database to another machine, modified this new duplicated jasperserver's context.xml so that it points to this new database location ... but then I m getting this null errors when I try to start it up ...
  2. Hi, I wanted to test out the jasperserver upgrade from 2.1 to 3.0, and I copied jasperserver webapps directory to another directory (testjasper), and then changed the context.xml so that it points to this other mysql instance from another machine (which I replicated the whole jasperserver database from the orginal one) but when i started it, it failed, and from the webapps log, i saw the following error: ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter,TP-Processor2:78 - Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'null' WARN SettingsFactory,TP-Processor2:109 - Could not obtain connection metadata org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL 'null' my original jasperserver is still running fine on the same machine, and off of the same tomcat instance, so I m not sure what is going on .... thanks
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