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  1. Does anyone know how to add Google Analytics tracking code to JasperServer? Is there a footer somewhere where this could be added? The only requirements is that the code must go just before the </body> tag of every page. Thanks! Gabriel Monge-Franco http://gabriel.mongefranco.com
  2. Awesome! I can't wait to try it! The Gantt chart will come in very handy.
  3. You should be able to open your reports bundles in iReport and copy & paste from one server to another. Gabriel Monge-Franco Security+ Certified Professional http://gabriel.mongefranco.com
  4. You can use the toString() function to convert numeric values to strings. If are looking to spell out the numbers (e.g., one hundred), you would need to add a custom Java class such as this one: http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0426.html Gabriel Monge-Franco Security+ Certified Professional http://gabriel.mongefranco.com http://blog-gabriel.mongefranco.com Post Edited by Gabriel Monge-Franco at 11/17/08 15:28
  5. Hi everyone, I installed iReport 3.1.2 and got it working with JasperServer. I am very impressed with the new interface -- as is one of my non-technical co-workers. The new interface is so much easier to use. My co-workers really like the preview tab as well. In the process of installing and making it work, I noticed some functions that are missing or could use some improvement. This is a summary of such issues, in the spirit of future improvements. The JasperServer plug-in was hard to find. I had to look througout the menus to find it. None of the following *important* settings were imported from iReport 3.0.0: JasperServer server connection settings, JDBC drivers, database connections, templates. It was lot of work and a lot of effort to transfer those settings manually, especially when I had to do it in multiple computers. I tried exporting my database connections from 3.0.0, but 3.1.2 failed to import the XML file that 3.0.0 generates. I had to setup all of my connections by hand and export them form 3.1.2 to share them with my co-workers. In iReport 3.0.x, I could go to my jasperserver's database connections, right-click and import them into iReport. The new version does not have that feature, which is a huge problem for companies with many users, especially when they add a new database connection and need to distribute it to everyone. It was REALLY difficult to figure out how to add JDBC drivers. While setting up the database connections, if I didn't know I needed the MSSQL drivers, I would have probably never figured out why my connection failed. I am surprised that the MSSQL driver does not ship with iReport by default. The whole parameter+input control process is too cumbersome. Right now, one has to create an input control, then create a parameter, then edit the SQL query to use the parameter in the Where statements. Former Crystal Reports does it better, since one only needs to setup a parameter and create the filter in the Select Expert. Most of my users don't even know SQL, so it's really hard for them to create reports with input controls and parameters. I still can't find a place to edit my SQL query, other than looking at the entire XML code. I don't need to see all the code -- just my query in a SQL query editor. The JasperServer plugin is missing the save button! There is now a "publish" button, but it is disabled all the time. How do I save my report and upload it to JasperServer?! The thermometer graph has a glitch. Let's say that the color should be green between 1-50, and red from 51-100. When the value is either 50 or 51, neither green nor red work -- the thermometer becomes gray. The Windows installer does not create any shortcuts. In fact, it doesn't even ask if one wants to create a shortcut. A start menu entry is considered best practice. There are only 2 report templates. How about adding more by default? The panel at the bottom that shows error messages is very misleading and confusing for non-technical users. They don't want to know about "compiling" and "building." They just want to create a report, see it in the preview and put it on JasperServer. Can't you hide this panel by default? iReport freezes when the preview tab is pulling data from the server. It might be a good idea to pull the first page of data so the user has something to see, and continue with the rest in the background. This is how Crystal Reports handles previews, and it is one of best features of Crystal. Is there a way to stop a preview like in Crystal? The filters (WHERE clause) in the Query Designer are not very intuitive. When one adds a filter, there is a place to type in the field name. Why can't it just display a drop down of the fields available? Again... think of the Select Expert function in Crystal and how easy to use it is. Adding a report to JasperServer is very cumbersome. One needs to first create a report locally, then create a report bundle in the server using the local report. Why can't the report wizard just start off of the server in the first place?I hope this feedback helps make a better new release. In the mean time, my company will stick to iReport 3.0.0 because it works. Gabriel Monge-Franco Security+ Certified Professional http://gabriel.mongefranco.com http://blog-gabriel.mongefranco.com
  6. Well, as my users start saving PDF outputs, other reports start to fail. It's almost like MySql performance is affected by report outputs. The same happens with CSV and Excel reports, although at a slower rate than PDF. I am forced to delete saved reports manually every once in a while, or many reports will stop running and scheduled reports will not be e-mailed out.
  7. In that case.... another work around is to give users iReport. They can add resources from within iReport. :)
  8. Would anyone be interested in helping me create webcasts, computer-based training and/or video tutorials for JasperServer and iReport Community Editions? I figured it's time somebody created decent documentation for newbies and kept it open source so others can update and improve it in the future. :)
  9. When you run a report in JasperServer (version 3 and up), you see a toolbar just above the report title that has export options. One of the options is Flash. This opens a Flash version of your report, with a little GUI that has zoom in and out buttons. I guess another option is to modify your report's design and make that area smaller. You might have to change the font sizes and stuff though. If you want to go even further, you can resize the area that you need based on the value of a parameter or input control. You probably don't want to do all this extra work though....
  10. O here we go... http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=112&forumid=102&topicid=44640
  11. Oh now I see what you are doing. The example above is for the SQL query itself, not for parameters, so you are correct -- it won't work in this case. But I think the parameter above should work. It makes sense to append " AND $X{IN, column_name, listOfValues}" only when the listOfValues does not contain All.
  12. You can use replace() either in SQL or in Java. See this for examples: http://blog-gabriel.mongefranco.com/2008/07/csv-and-wildcard-searches-in.html
  13. Look up the java calendar class in Google. You need to write a custom function and import the calendar class.
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