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Everything posted by ianbdev

  1. Hi shyted, whilst an admin user can pair up scripts to retrieve and on forward report results for schedules in the system this does not help end-users without this level of access (or means/skill). End-users should be able to schedule a report and supply (in the Output section) the destination as an FTP location thus making the output destination truly flexible for non-admin users. The use case here is a end user without web service facility / access (or the required skills/means) but with an FTP account. This would give our end-users the ability to set up a scheduled CSV report and pipe it to an FTP account for further automated system processing by that end-user's own systems.
  2. Hans, that is correct. However the JDBC Url entry field is actually editable so if and when you edit it directly and leave the Server Address blank you can Test the connection successfully and save it but on reopening the connection the JDBC Url field has changed back to MYSERVER. This should be fixed so that either: a) You cannot edit the JDBC Url field directly, or b) On editing the JDBC Url field directly the server and database info should be parsed from that entry and the individual server and database fields are popuplated so that saving the connection details retains the entry
  3. This feature would be incredibly useful for automated processes. Even if it was implemented in stages to get the ball rolling: 1. Output to filesystem 2. Output to FTP location
  4. Compression of reports would be a great feature providing: - reduced network traffic and storage - larger reports can be emailed despite max. email size - security (if password protection can be applied also)
  5. I upgraded to 3.6.2 when it was released a week ago and since then I have not seen the group footer loss problem. Bravo, many thanks!
  6. I've also found this in v3.6.0 although the behaviour is odd (I'm not using 3.6.1. yet due to the options save issue). I haven't played around with the compat. settings we set ours to 3.0.1 to match our report server engine. You can add a group footer and add fields to it, then save. The group footer and the fields still appear in the designer but if you switch to XML view the groupFooter section is gone. And if you switch back to the designer the footer section and fields are still there but only temporarily - reload the report and they're gone. This one really caught me off guard, I've been modifying a bunch of old reports and then noticed the loss during testing - ouch! Only workaround I can conceive is to do all the work on the report, switch to XML view and copy the groupFooter section to the clipboard, save it and then open the report in some external editor and re-paste the section. ** Just checked another workaround - seems that if you save from XML view the groupFooter is not lost - only when saving from designer view. +1 for a fix on this one soon please
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