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Everything posted by takashi

  1. The problem was caused by double quotes. iReport surrounds generated file name with double quotes when it executes external program to view a report. e.g. /usr/bin/xpdf "/home/tosako/report1.pdf" It works for Windows, but not for Linux. Linux treats double quotes as part of file name. Therefore, when iReport called Runtime.exec("/usr/bin/xpdf "/home/tosako/report1.pdf"");, it failed. Solution for the issue that use Runtime.exec(String[] execv) instead of Runtime.exec(String execv). Applying submitted patch will fix the problem. Tested on both Windows and Linux. Takashi
  2. I had the same problem that PDF viewer(xpdf) was not opened from iReport. I thought it happened to only my iReport and Linux, but obviously, it happened to amluongo. I will investigate more. Takashi
  3. takashi


    Do you think it's caused by Java? I saw a similar problem in my own program that few values in LinkedList disappeared and returned null. My version of Java in iReport from "help->about" is: Java: 1.6.0_03; Java HotSpot Client VM 1.6.0_03-b05 and not successfully reproduce it yet. What about ks9289? Which version of Java are you using?
  4. takashi


    I tried to reproduce the issue, but I have no luck. I understand it's randomly happened, but I just tried to find there is any common ground. If you can reproduce, can you log how you did it?
  5. Hello, I downloaded iReport source code from svn and start debugging to knock out bugs. I use NetBeans, and it's working great. However, from iReport, I really cannot debug into JasperReports classes. Does anyone know how to re-compile JasperReports classes for iReport so that I can debug in?
  6. When you hover a mouse cursor on "Run to bottom", a tip shows up "". "Run to bottom" attribute is assigned by calling RunToBottomProperty.getBoolean() method. This method returns always null until it's assgined the value(true or false) by checking the box. The problem is outside of iReport. iReport uses JRDesignSubreport class from JasperReports. Inside of the class, there is "private Boolean runToBottom;" variable which is initially null. This variable is returned by calling isRunToBottom method. Inside the method, there is no variable checking. If the variable is null, it returns null. To fix this bug on iReport, iReport should treat returned null value as false in the com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.sheet.properties.RunToBottomProperty class, getBoolean method. submitted patch will fix the problem
  7. Using RedHat Enterprise 4. Tried to duplicate the issue. select "PDF Preview" from "Preview" set "PDF viewer" "/usr/bin/xpdf" in the "Viewers" tab from the "Option". click "Preview" button to see preview. Output console logged out as: Executing: /usr/bin/xpdf "/home/tosako/report1.pdf" I did not see as you described. I might be missing something.
  8. Schultcd, I ran few test cases for the scenarios before I submitted the patch. Most of Object are stored in String Object in HashMap. (except java.util.Date, java.sql.Time, and java.sql.TimeStamp are stored in as is) After the Object is returned by the getLastParameterValue method (this method is only called from setParameter) from the calling function, setParameter, the setParameter method checks the class name of the returned parameter value and check the type of Object again (if the Object is java.util.Date, java.sql.Time, and java.sql.TimeStamp). It is redundant to me. Also, the returned value is just used to pass to the JComboBox.setSelectedItem method (except java.util.Date, java.sql.Time and java.sql.Timestamp. If an Object is one of "Date" object, there is if-else statement to check and avoid ClassCastException) Therefore, I do not see ClassCastException will be occurred by my change.
  9. com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.compiler.prompt.JDateTimePicker Misusing time-filed value. It should use Calendar.SECOND instead of Calendar.MINUTE Applying the patch should fix the issue.
  10. getLastParameterValue method should not check object instance. Prompter class has a resposible to check the object. 0004045.patch may fix the issue.
  11. I am not sure the problem is. It looks fine to me. Is there possible that you can turn debug on or log your sql server? If you use mysql, modify your my.cnf: [mysqld] log=/tmp/sql.logthen restart.
  12. If your input String format is "YYYY-MM-DD", Let's assume $P{date} has the date in String. (new GregorianCalendar(Integer.parseInt($P{date}.substring(0,4)),Integer.parseInt($P{date}.substring(5,7))-1,Integer.parseInt($P{date}.substring(8,10)))).getTime() This will convert your String to java.util.Date Object. Then, you can specify Pattern such as dd/MM/yyy Takashi
  13. I am not a big helper, but I would like to know when you execute a sql query via JasperReports, how is your SQL server receiving. select perf_bps,order_date,exchange from daily_perf where algorithm_name='GSAT_VWAP' and order_date>=$P{startdate} and order_date<=$P{enddate} group by order_date
  14. I know there is module that you can integrate Java into PHP, but I never used PHP. If you know how to do, integrate following Java code: //this is comment //jasperPrint is JasperPrint Object. int total_pages=jasperPrint.getPages().size();
  15. I have not validated, but I can see this is the problem. <dataset> <datasetRun subDataset="history_perf"> <datasetParameter name="startdate"> <datasetParameterExpression> <![CDATA[$F{order_date}]]> </datasetParameterExpression> </datasetParameter> <datasetParameter name="enddate"> <datasetParameterExpression> <![CDATA[$F{order_date}]]> </datasetParameterExpression> </datasetParameter> </datasetRun> </dataset> Change to something else. Hope it works.
  16. Hello, It looks like your height is relatively smaller than font size. Try to set font size smaller than 13.
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