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Posts posted by swood

  1. You can add a new bean to do this. Something like:

    <bean id="OLAPCacheInitializingBean" class="examples.OLAPCacheInitializingBean"/>[/code]
    public class OLAPCacheInitializingBean implements InitializingBean {        public void afterPropertiesSet() {        // do some initialization work    }}[/code]




  2. 1) The value is coming directly out of the database from a SQL query, and is not processed by the schema. There is no formatting. There is really no way to say "format this as a currency amount".


    2) If  a column is indicated as being part of a dimension, it will appear by default in the drill through result. Again, there is no way to selectively hide that column.




  3. JasperServer includes JasperReports.


    Install JasperServer. Define a data source in JasperServer that points to your MySQL application database. You can develop and test reports in iReport and then deploy them to JasperServer from within iReport.


    You can define users, roles and permissions on the JasperServer repository so that you can segment what reports are available to what users.




  4. This is a very common scenario for JasperServer. baggypants was right about JasperServer Professional being multi-tenant, ad hoc reporting through the browser for end users, and iReport for detailed reporting development and deployment to remote servers.


    I understand Servoy uses JasperReports. You may be able to reuse existing Servoy reports in JasperServer. The problem will be getting the data source right in JasperServer - I don't know what Servoy does in this area.


    The customers can have separate areas in the multi-tenant environment, and can also share reports etc, if needed, through a "public" area. Data level security can also be implemented though custom data sources, user profile aware filters and "domains", which can filter data according to the user profile.




  5. You need to use the user profile, roles and or user attributes to add to filters in your reports and dashboards.


    When you run a report in JasperServer, there are parameters available like $P{LoggedInUsername} and $P{LoggedInFullName} you can use in your queries.


    In JasperServer Professional, you can define domains with security on them that automatically filter data according to the user profile.




  6. What you are doing should work :-(


    Do you have other Single Select lists that work showing multiple options in the browser?


    If you look at the source of the parameter page, can you see the missing options? If you can't, that looks like a server side bug.


    This should not be an issue, but what browser are you running? Firefox, IE?





  7. I don't understand what you are trying to do. As Bob said, you need to have a custom data source defined in the server (code, configuration) that gives the data to the report. If you have data references in the URL, your custom data source would need to interpret the parameters in your custom data source to give the data to the report.




  8. This is a bug we need to fix.


    The anonymoususer is a system level object. We had not tested trying to set permissions for it. The code in the accessContext bean was set up to manage it, but the config of the bean needed the userAuthorityService there in order to work.




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