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Posts posted by swood

  1. The RuntimeJobState is the state when you make the request, not when the JobSummary is instantiated. This is coming from the underlying Quartz tables that are in the repository.

    The states are based on the underlying Quartz Trigger states http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/docs/api/org/quartz/Trigger.html

    If the job is not currently executing, then it is NORMAL.

    "Complete" indicates that the trigger has not remaining fire-times in its schedule ie. it will never run again. I think JasperServer is configured to delete complete jobs by default.

    Paused is a valid Quartz trigger state, but we have no API that can pause and unpause jobs at this time.






  2. The App Engine does not support all of Java. In the situation you are seeing, JasperReports is using Java Swing components to help with text layout, and the App Engine does not support those classes. Until the App Egnine does support those classes, we are stuck.




  3. I have just released a patch for JasperServer 3.7.0 that allows the JasperReports XML data source to run in JasperServer. You can get it here http://jasperforge.org/plugins/mwiki/index.php/Jasperserverpatches/JasperServer_3.7.0_Patches_and_Extensions

    The XML file can be on a file system pretty much anywhere: local server file system, HTTP, FTP, or in the JasperServer repository.


    You create a "report unit" in JasperServer that links the data source, the JRXML, scriptlet JARs, resource bundles, and report parameter definitions. This is stored in the repository and configured for the report when it needs to run.


    I don't understand what you describe to be a resource management feature. Do you mean limiting the number of reports running at any one time, prioritorizing them etc?





  4. Hmmm, in the released version, there are a few JSP and one Javascript references to it.


    jpivot\ja-pro.js(194): $('helpLink').onclick = webHelpModule.displayWebHelp;

    WEB-INF\jsp\olap\viewOlap.jsp(107): webHelpModule.currentContext = "analysis";
    WEB-INF\jsp\rolesFlow\roleManager.jsp(65): webHelpModule.currentContext="admin";
    WEB-INF\jsp\search\results.jsp(76): webHelpModule.currentContext = "search";
    WEB-INF\jsp\userFlow\userManager.jsp(65): webHelpModule.currentContext="admin";


    I think you can just remove them.





  5. JasperServer does not parameterize the schema. You will need to manage the schema externally to do this, like:


    • Have a master domain file with some templating parameters in it
    • Use a process like Ant to push properties into the template to produce the final domain file
    • Publish the domain to JasperServer



  6. This is not a JasperServer question.


    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/local/jboss/server/node1/./tmp/deploy/tmp7880apps-admin.war/employee_compiled_template.jasper


    This message indicates the compiled JRXML file cannot be found. It looks like JBoss is exploding the WAR. Do you embed the .jasper files in your WAR?




  7. This is not out of the box functionality.


    The only solution that comes to me is to make a master dashboard that contains all the parameters and have a single dashboard panel that contains other dashboards. You would need to extend the Javascript in the dashboard to have a control that can change between the different dashboards.





  8. You can capture the logic to generate the hyperlinks (including Gaby38's approach) in a scriptlet jar and use that to get the values in the _report parameter.



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