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Badr Draifi

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Everything posted by Badr Draifi

  1. Hi Arneja, did you try this : http://bekwam.blogspot.com/2011/03/negative-numbers-in-jasper-ireport.html#more ?
  2. Hi Franky4, the error appears caused by the plugin requiring a minimum environment involving Java 17, while we are shipping Java 11 JRE. So: For latest versions there is not much we can do, meaning that we ship a Java 11 JRE. If you want you can try to experiment and play with other versions customizing .ini file pointing to a proper JRE. But indeed this might cause other side-effects. For the report not compiling, that could be caused by whatever reasons, please share the logs and the steps you're trying to do so we can see if we can reproduce it locallyThanks
  3. Hi jaspersoft_313, could you please provide more info on the error that you encounter when you create your JSON datasource with the default params ? You should be able to create your DS without any default params. Please share the error logs and the screen shots of how you're setting your DS. Thanks
  4. Hi gab_Ipc, you shouldn't face issues when migrating to a new version if you follow the right steps to upgrade. Fyi, your Studio reports are already backward compatible, and you don't need to change them to make them work in the new version. Your configurations and customization done in the old version would have to be reported to the new version. Below are the basic steps for an upgrade : 1. Export your repo from the old version 2. Identify your configurations and customizations in the old version 3. Install the new version 4. Adapt your configurations, and customization and report them to the new version 5. Import your repo in the new version 6. Test. Don't forget to join our Dr. Jaspersoft session this month when we will be talking about JasperReports Server: Best practices. See here for more info. For the Studio application, you can use a different version of Studio than your version of the Server but we don't recommend it.
  5. Please share the jrxml report and indicate what extra row that gets generated.
  6. The straightforward way is to export without themes JRS 8.0 repo, install JRS 8.1, and import to it the JRS 8.0 repo. Keep in mind that it is necessary to upgrade any customization that you have in place, make sure they're working in 8.1 before upgrading the server. Also, be aware that JRS 8.1 is a Mainstream release and not Long term support, see here : https://docs.tibco.com/pub/jaspersoft/general/LTS/jaspersoft_LTS_releases.html Import/Export : https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.0.0/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.0.0_Admin-Guide.pdf?id=12 Install JRS : https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.0.0/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.0.0_Install-Guide.pdf?id=5
  7. Try enabling more logs by activating debug mode in : Manage>Server Settings>Log settings. Add those classes in debug mode : com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.remote.services.ReportExecution com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.EngineServiceImpl org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.hibernate.HibernateReportJobsPersistenceService com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz.ReportJobsQuartzScheduler com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz.QuartzSchedulerControl com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.service.ReportJobsPersistenceService net.sf.jasperreports.web.servlets.AsyncJasperPrintAccessor
  8. If you implemented an SSO using OIDC/oauth in JRS, then all you need to do is to call your report URL without passing anything, JRS will check if the user has a session in the browser, if not, it will perform a handshake with your IDP, connect the user then go back to the report URL to run it. Can you clarify your SSO implementation and the use case here ?
  9. You can implement token authentication in JasperReportServer and send the token in a param or a header with the URL of the report. See Token preAuth :
  10. Problem : When designing a domain that connects to a virtual data source (usually Oracle, you can try it for other DBs as well), sometimes you might encounter a slowness when selecting fields and making joins. Solution : Oracle schemas in VDS take a little longer to load than other DBs, you can however work around this by making the following changes : In the WEB-INF folder, update the file applicationContext-semanticLayer.xml by changing the property skipDomainDatabaseValidation below to true In the WEB-INF folder, update the file applicationContext-virtual-data-source.xml by changing the properties below to false : importer.importForeignKeysimporter.importKeys
  11. VisualizeJS CORS issues can be overwhelming and difficult to debug. This article provides some ordered steps that you can follow to help debug the issue : The first thing to start with is to ensure that the domain calling your JRS from VisJS is on the domainWhiteList profile attribute in Server settings. If it’s not, add it as : domainWhiteList1, domainWhiteList2…. the value must be equal to the origin value in the cors browser error. Make sure there's no other CorsFilter in Tomcat/JRS web.xmlMake sure that the headers is sending are on the allowed headers and OPTIONS method is allowed in AppContext-security-pro-web.xmlIf using a Proxy, make sure the proxy is allowing the HTTP OPTIONS method. Enable logging for the Spring’s default CORS filter :Open <path-to-tomcat>/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF /log4j2.properties file and Add next lines (somewhere below root logger definition rootLogger.level=ERROR or in the end of the file): logger.defaultCorsProcessor.name=org.springframework.web.cors.DefaultCorsProcessorlogger.defaultCorsProcessor.level=TRACElogger.defaultCorsProcessor.appenderRef.stdout.ref=stdoutlogger.defaultCorsProcessor.appenderRef.rolling.ref=fileout Also, try testing your calls from outside via Jsfiddle or a standalone HTML page to check if the issue is coming from the client app or the Server/Proxy area.
  12. First of all, you're saying you're using multi-tenancy, so I'll presume you're having a commercial license, it would be then better to log a support case, the support team would be able to help you with this kind of question. If your question is about how to reference the dashboard in a Hyperlink in your report, then you can use built-in parameters combined with Profile Attributes in your expression of the hyperlink reference. Here is all the built-in parameter you can use: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/built-parameters-logged-user In your case, you can create a profile attribute for your users, for example, dashboard_location, with the value equal to the path of your dashboard, then in your report hyperlink reference expression use the built-in parameter $P{LoggedInUserAttribute_<attribute name>} where attribute name equal: dashboard_location. If your report is only differentiated by the tenantId you can use only $P{LoggedInUserTenantId} , this way you won't need to have a profile attribute. This will make your link dynamic based on the user running your report.
  13. You can use the buildomatic scripts : js-import and js-export and integrate them into your pipeline in order to place the resources on the server after your git push. Check out the import/export commands in chapter 7 here https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.0.0/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.0.0_Admin-Guide.pdf?id=12
  14. JasperReports server installation guide will walk you through all the steps here: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.0.0/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.0.0_Install-Guide.pdf?id=5 Don't forget to check the supported platform: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.0.0/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.0.0_Platform-Support-Commercial-Edition.pdf?id=0 For the licenses, please get in touch with your Account Executive, they will take care of giving you the appropriate license based on your JasperReports Server Commercial Edition.
  15. The Java rest client is a ready to use Java library client to call JasperReports Server JRS Rest API. All the exposed JRS Rest API are defined here : https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.0.0/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.0.0_REST-API-Reference.pdf?id=6 Instead of creating your own java rest client, we provide this library to use inside your Java application to interact with your JRS resources (reports, users, permissions...). A simple way to start would be to install your JRS and create your users and roles, create reports in Studio, publish them to JRS, then either run those reports from the Server directly or from outside either using the Rest API directly or using the Java library that will handle calling the Rest API for you.
  16. There's no Community Edition version 7.9. The latest release after 7.8 is version 8 which contains the latest features except the commercial ones. See : https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jasperreports-server/releases
  17. In order for the Studio to read any kind of data, you'll need to create a data adapter. Studio supports a variety of data sources, you can create data adapters for : Sql databases, noSql databases, Excel, CSV, Txt..... I don't know what smartform data type is, but if you can't find any data adapter in the Studio that suits it, then you can create your own datasource called : custom datasource, see https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v55/creating-custom-data-source check the appropriate version of your product for the right documentation. A custom data source would allow you to create your own java code that will read data from any source and return it ready to view in the Studio fields.
  18. There's no outside of the box comparison RestAPI, but you can easily create a script, a web service... that will compare the JSON returned from JasperReports RestAPI rest_v2/resources endpoints that allow you to list your resources in the repository.
  19. Problem : When using HTML5 Gauge charts in Jaspersoft Studio, users can't use the formatter property out of the box as it is documented in Hightchart. Solution : Highchart requires the format property to not be set in order for the formatter to be used instead, but not setting the format property value in Studio is not enough as Studio overrides the format value behind the scenes. Users should set the HTML5 gauge format property value to null using Javascript in order to use the formatter property. See below. 1. Set the format property value to null format.jpg 2. Add the desired formatter function formatter.jpg Make sure the Studio javascript functions are enabled javascript_enabled.jpg
  20. Looks like your updated parameter data type mismatch the input control data type on your Server. Try changing the input control that is mapped to your Studio report parameter to String as well.
  21. JasperReports by default enables only Error level logs and give you full flexibility to enable more logs in case it is needed. You can enable more logs by adding their classes and level either via : The UI using an Administrator user in Manage/Server Setting/Log settings.Directly in the logging configuration file in : yourAppServer/../jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/log4j2.properties. Below is some of the most useful logs classes : Report execution logs com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.remote.services.ReportExecutioncom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.EngineServiceImplReport export logs net.sf.jasperreports.web.servlets.AsyncJasperPrintAccessorScheduler logs org.quartz.JobPersistenceExceptionorg.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupportcom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.hibernate.HibernateReportJobsPersistenceServicecom.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz.ReportJobsQuartzSchedulerQueries and database interaction logs net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuterorg.hibernate.SQL (Show all SQL that hibernate runs)
  22. Looks like the issue is that JasperReports Server (JRS) couldn't find your XML data source: Data_sources/NDA_note.xml. Make sure your data source is accessible by JRS and the user running your reports has the right access to it. If the Domain option is not shown this would mean either, you're using the free community version, or the option has been disabled for your role in JRS administration files. You can also check out below the AutoRest driver for JasperReports Server, which works from version 7, it's an easy way to create reports using SQL on JSON data : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/autonomous-rest-connector-tibco-jaspersoft-studio
  23. This article will explain to you how you can make exports and imports using only cmdline with JasperReports Server. Export : 7.5 or above exporting with deprecatedKey (Compatible with old JRS) : ./js-export.sh --uris /themes/yourtheme --output-zip yourexportname.zip --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret 7.2 or below (Can be used with 7.5 or above as well but with the export will be tied to the env keystore) ./js-export.sh --uris /themes/yourtheme --output-zip yourexportname.zip Import : 7.5 or above exporting with deprecatedKey (Compatible with old JRS) : ./js-import.sh --input-zip yourthemeexported.zip --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret --update 7.2 or below (Can be used with 7.5 or above as well but with the export will be tied to the env keystore) ./js-import.sh --input-zip yourthemeexported.zip --update Note that if you already have a theme with the same name in your repository, the --update option will replace the existing theme with imported one.
  24. Behavior : In VisualizeJS, some of the CSS styles don't get loaded from the override_custom.css file in JRS themes, for example, CSS effects are working fine on my inputControls inside JasperReports Server but not when I load my report from VisualizeJS external app. Solution : The override_custom.css is not applied currently in VisualizeJS, only some original CSS files from the active theme (not override_custom.css) are loaded for VisualizeJS to stule it by default. You'll have to apply your specific styles in your external HTML page that uses VisJS.
  25. Behavior : I am trying to set up an ad hoc template by adding components in the page footer and header but the report is only showing my components on the first page. Solution : Set isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter="true" in the template JRXML (In JasperReport tag : see blow), this would result in the page headers and footers being displayed on all pages. Example : <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/jasperreport.xsd" name="BlahBlahBlah" pageWidth="792" pageHeight="612" orientation="Landscape" columnWidth="752" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20" isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter="true" uuid="bbcb539b-1bc4-4aae-b4e0-xx123456dxyz">
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