Hi, how to upgrade jrs community 8.0.0 to 8.1.0 on Linux Ubuntu 22.04? I installed jrs community 8.0.0 by the file ./TIB_js-jrs-cp_8.0.0_linux_x86_64.run Thanks.
Hi, i hope everyone is well. I have a problem with the TimeStamp field (InputControl) when I enter the value 11/1/2020. Error: "errorDescriptor": { "message": "Input controls validation failure", "errorCode": "input.controls.validation.error", "parameters": [ "ValidationErrorImpl{errorCode='fillParameters.error.invalidValueForType', arguments=[Timestamp], properties=null, defaultMessage='Especifique um valor válido para tipo Timestamp.', field='null'}" ] I made the change suggested by the documentation but the error persists. The file that was changed was the applicationContext-settings.xml on jasperreports-server-cp-7.8.0. Thanks.