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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×

Baffled in Ohio


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Hello again, folks,

I developed a report in JS Studio.  All the fields display on the report (they are all simple string fields) when I do the preview in Studio.  When I publish the report to the server and run it, one of the fields in the detail line is showing NULL instead of the value.  Here is the query I am using (SQLITE):

/* CMO Payee Activity - Month Summary */

    'CMO' as report_total_group,
    pye.payeename as payee_name,
    sum(tb_collect.transamount) as act_amount

        strftime('%m%Y',dmc_vw.transdate) as curOrPast_month_year,
        (case when dmc_vw.payeeid = -1 and lower(dmc_vw.transcode) = 'transfer' then
            (case when (lower(act1.accounttype) = 'credit card' or lower(act1.accessinfo = 'sav')) then
                (case when strftime('%Y', dmc_vw.transdate) = strftime('%Y', 'now') then
                        transfer_payeeid trp 
                        trp.accountid = dmc_vw.toaccountid 
                        and dmc_vw.transdate between trp.active_from and ifnull(trp.active_to, date()))
            dmc_vw.payeeid end) as payee_id,

        left join accountlist_v1 act
            on act.accountid = dmc_vw.accountid

        left join accountlist_v1 act1
            on act1.accountid = dmc_vw.toaccountid
        strftime('%m%Y', dmc_vw.transdate) =  $P{userRequestedMonthYear}) tb_collect
    left join payee_v1 pye
        on pye.payeeid = tb_collect.payee_id


The field that displays fine in Studio is "tb_collect.curOrPast_month_year", but appears as a NULL display on the JS Server.  Any ideas?


David in OH

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Actually, I found the issue.  If you look at the SQL code, notice that I use "dot" reference for one of the fields which is created in a inner query called "tb_collect".  The field referenced is " tb_collect.curOrPast_month_year".  Once I added an "as", that is " tb_collect.curOrPast_month_year as curOrPast_month_year", the field appeared in the report.  Is there anything I can do to get around having to add the "as", because I do a lot of this in my report code.


David in OH

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