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Swapnil Pawar

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  1. Swapnil Pawar's post in Found one or more validations error. was marked as the answer   
    In the Column Header band, add a static text element with text Header in it, no quotes.
    In the Detail band, add a text field with text "DetailField" in it, in quotes.
    I hope this will help you. thanks!
  2. Swapnil Pawar's post in Does net.sf.jasperreport 6.20.0 works with JDK17 was marked as the answer   
    Java 17 is not yet certified with the Jasperserver Library, we do have already an enhancement request(ER) for this request.
    Please find the ER here: https://jaspersoftideas.tibco.com/ideas/JSPR-I-4587
    Please feel free to vote for this ER, so our product management team timely reviews the ERs to consider the best ideas.
  3. Swapnil Pawar's post in Classpath not found exception was marked as the answer   
    Please let us know which version of java are you using.
    Make sure you are on the supported version of java.
    Please go through the below attached platform support guide: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.1.0/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.1.0_Platform-Support-Commercial-Edition.pdf?id=0
  4. Swapnil Pawar's post in How to change xpath executer factory from xalan to Jaxen was marked as the answer   
    I am not aware of your app but Out of the box, I changed the net.sf.jasperreports.xpath.executer.factory from the XalanXPathExecuterFactory to JaxenXPathExecuterFactory in the jaspersoft Studio(JSS).

    No need to add the jar manually it's already present in the JSS.
    You can change the property using the jss as follow, Preferences -> Jaspersoft Studio -> Properties then search for the property "net.sf.jasperreports.xpath.executer.factory" and then add the value as given below:
    Apply and close.
    I checked that it improved some report filing time. I hope this will help you. Thanks!
  5. Swapnil Pawar's post in ERROR: relation "jiresourcefolder" does not exist was marked as the answer   

    From the error, it seems that an error is due to the database structure for the repository was not successfully created by the ant target and the import script 
    that imports the basic contents of the repository fails because of that. Please make sure that the js-ant targets are executed with the database 
    user defined in default_master.properties, so if you are to use these commands, the user needs to have the correct set of permissions. 

  6. Swapnil Pawar's post in Recurring scheduling error - unable to store Job - duplicate Job ID was marked as the answer   
    This type of error is usually associated with a zombie or orphaned job record within the table, and this would prevent the execution of a scheduled job.
    If the job gets in a hung-up state, in which the status seems incorrect and no job is actually executing (creating a report) you can do the following:
    Most of the time server restart solves this type of issue so please try by doing the restart of the server then if still the issue persists then you may
    try the below suggestion.
    1) Disable the job from the UI
    2) Stop the JRS webapp
    4) Delete the corresponding entries only from qrtz tables qrtz_simple_triggers, qrtz_cron_triggers, qrtz_triggers, qrtz_job_details (see below)
    4) Start the web app
    5) Delete job from UI (which should cleanup jireportjob table and it's associations)

    delete from qrtz_simple_triggers where trigger_name IN (select trigger_name from qrtz_triggers where job_name = 'job_2731');
    delete from qrtz_cron_triggers where trigger_name IN (select trigger_name from qrtz_triggers where job_name = 'job_2731');
    delete from qrtz_triggers where job_name = 'job_2731';
    delete from qrtz_job_details where job_name = 'job_2731';
    5) Delete job from UI (which should cleanup jireportjob table and it's associations) or same you can perform from using the query.
    delete from jireportjobparameter where job_id = 2731;
    delete from jireportjoboutputformat where report_job_id = 2731;
    delete from jireportjob where id = 2731;
    Warning: Take the database backup first and try these steps on the lower environment first and try at your own risk as this is out of support scope.
    I hope this will help you!
  7. Swapnil Pawar's post in How do we Schedule Jasper Report Output to ftp server or location where jasper installed ? was marked as the answer   
    By default default jasperserver store the schedule output in the jasperserver repository. 
    But, JRS also provides the utility to store the schedules output on the FTP, SFTP or on the Host File System.
    Please refer section "4.2.1 Setting Output Options: from the below attached document for the more information:
    I hope this will help you!
  8. Swapnil Pawar's post in Jasperserver language polish was marked as the answer   
    We do have an existing Enhancement request for the Poland language internationalization and some of the other languages to be part of the future version.
    Out of the box but customers would like to have them as part of product-feature. 
    However, it is possible to add a custom locale and localize the application using bundles. This procedure is described in JasperReports Server Admin Guide:
    This involves a few steps:
    You'll need to *.properties files and translate labels and messages in these files.
    You may need to change date formats and ad-hoc masks from jasperserver_config.properties & adhoc_masks files as per your need.
    This wiki article will give you an idea of how to edit *.properties files and add the translation for messages and labels:
    Please, refer to the JasperReports Admin guide for the detailed description and create customized locales. Finally restart the jasperserver to reflect the changes in the JRS.
    I hope this will help you!
  9. Swapnil Pawar's post in How do I add a CSV datasource in Japser Server? was marked as the answer   
    Along with the above solution you can also try another way like this one.
    Please refer to the 4.12 section- "File Datasource" of TIBCO JasperReports Server Administrator Guide.
    Could you use this file as I made the changes in this file and confirmed I am able to see the datasource i.e Text Datasource i.e CSV datasource in the list.
    Make sure you did the comment out i.e. disable the line as given below
       <!-- <value>textDataSource</value> -->
    and saved the file and restarted the jasperserver to reflect the changes.
    I hope this will help you!
  10. Swapnil Pawar's post in network error was marked as the answer   
    This issue may due to the gateway timeout, you can make increase the timeout time and check if will it make any difference or resolve the issue.
  11. Swapnil Pawar's post in Upgrading 8.0 to 8.1 was marked as the answer   
    To upgrade the Jasperserver from 8.0 to 8.1,  as you installed the bundle type of the Jasperserver for JRS 8 which is not suggested for the production environment.
    Please first take the repository export of the JRS 8.0 from the UI using the legacy key (JRS -> Manage -> Server Setting -> Export (using the legacy Key).

    Then, Please do the fresh war file installation for the Jasperserver v 8.1.
    For WAR file installation then kindly refer to the section: "CHAPTER 3 INSTALLING THE WAR FILE FOR PRODUCTION" 
    Finally, Import the repository of the JRS 8.0 on the newly installed JRS 8.1 
    using the JRS UI (JRS -> Manage -> Server Setting -> Import (using the leagcy Key). I hope this will help you.
  12. Swapnil Pawar's post in Migrating reports from Enterprise edition to Community edition was marked as the answer   
    You can try the solution given in the below wiki article:
    I hope this will help you.
  13. Swapnil Pawar's post in Is there a way to view failed Scheduled Jobs was marked as the answer   
    You can see the list of scheduled jobs on the jasperserver.log file after adding this logger "com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz"
    (Path: JRS-> Manage -> Server Setting -> Log Setting) with the job id of the schedule got failed also you can see the list of schedules that failed
    directly on the JRS UI itself. (JRS-> View -> Messages). You will see the job id, error, and reason for the schedule failure.
    I hope it will help you to easily list the failed job on the jasperserver UI itself. 
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