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When was support for <p> elements removed?

Go to solution Solved by Teodor Danciu,

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Hi there,

we have been using jasperreports happily in our projects for many years now - users can for example create PDF-documents based on their input in online forms.

When users enter line breaks in the online form, our rich editor creates "<p></p>" tags - which was totally fine with PDF-documents  created via jasperreports and text fields with markup "html" until some versions ago.

When and why was the support (or let's say equivalent handling) of html tag "<p></p>" changed or removed, and is there a way to restore this behavior again? Unfortunately, we were unable to find any information about this.

Thank you so much for shedding light on this matter!

Regards, Gerd

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Thank you so much for your quick reply - and sorry for the missing version information. We are running our tests with the latest version 6.20.5.

As we still have that problem, we did some more digging, and found out, that the cause seems to be the code minification, which our WYSIWYG-Editor is applying automatically:

not working minified snippet

..<p>this is a along paragraph At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata...</p><p></p><p></p><p>Regards</p><p></p><p>hugo</p>..[/code]

working snippet without minification

..<p>this is a along paragraph At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata...</p><br><p></p><br><p></p><br><p>Regards</p><br><p></p><br><p>hugo</p>..[/code]

Is there any kind of solution you could suggest? Unfortunately, our WYSIWYG-Editor does not come with an option to store code without minification.

Thank you so much for your ideas!

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