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Everything posted by jasperreportsUsersSince200

  1. Hi Team, thank you for the reminder, and sorry for the delay! We had already thought that the files alone would be of little help. Unfortunately, the exceptions we get, do not make any sense - as they do not show the root cause. In File B for example, during PDF-generation we get a class cast exception, a parameter that is expecting a Boolean value, suddenly gets a String value (that is supposed for a different parameter). It seems, the parameter/variable/field handling gets confused, in case a file contains a large String (like a long Base64 string) - or the image representation as a byte array (2000px and more). We are working on providing a demo project for you, unfortunately we need a little more time for that. Currently, we help ourselves by compressing all images as extensive as possible, so we don't run into this issue for troubled files. Regards Gerd
  2. Hello Teodor, thank you so much for looking into our issue! Of course! We have prepared an archive with https://nextcloud.rise-world.com/s/cAdmYqL8wtkceTk * file a: variable "streamBackground" contains a large string, but is never used in any image (as soon as we remove the variable, the PDF-creation is successful) * file b: two images are pasted in header and footer (via variable "KOPF" and "img_fuss"; as soon as we replace the variable values with a much shorter string, the PDF-creation is successful) * file c: large image handling (when provided by byte array from db in parameter logo) with failing image (8268 x 3543px logo), this report works perfectly fine as soon as we compress the logo before storing it in the database Just to make sure: in Jaspersoft Studio those files all do compile successfully - the problems start by the time we trigger the PDF-creation on our jasper reports server (where we also fill the missing parameters and field-values). The exceptions we get, don't make sense at all (like ClassCastException), we tried debugging and found, that in those cases the variable and parameter value handling is messed up. This is our environment * java 17 * tomcat 9 * we use rhino as js framework in jasper Hope that helps! Regards, Gerd
  3. Hello out there, we were just happily upgrading from jasperreports 6.12.2 to 6.20.6. Everything went smoothly - only one big thing: In order to customize their document layout, our users can paste base64-encoded images in their JRXML-file. They do this by defining a variable (string) and pasting the base64-encoded image value in the variable expression. Here is an example with a simple 10x10px image (png). <variable name="customImage" class="java.lang.String"> <variableExpression><!CDATA["iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAoAAAAKCAYAAACNMs+9AAAACXBIWXMAAA7DAAAOwwHHb6hkAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQB3d3cuaW5rc2NhcGUub3Jnm+48GgAAABhJREFUGJVj/DqX4T8DEYCJGEWjCqmnEAAn6QKldRfUigAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="]]></variableExpression> </variable> This variable is then used within an image expression javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode($V{customImage}))) Unfortunately, we are experiencing serious compile issues with multiple JRXML-files - whenever it comes to more complex images (resulting in huge string values in the variable, background images easily take up to 160k characters). We even had files with compile issues, where the customImage variable had a quite big value - but the variable was never used in an image. None of the JRXML-files, that are now having compile errors, have been touched ever since - with version 6.12 (or below) we never had issues handling images this way. We are also having problems with images, where the source is provided to the report via a byte array - as soon as the image source is for example 8000 x 2000px We are happy to provide more details - is there any known incompatibility with java/tomcat or any other hint for us? Thank you so much for helping us out! Regards, Gerd
  4. Thank you so much for your quick reply - and sorry for the missing version information. We are running our tests with the latest version 6.20.5. As we still have that problem, we did some more digging, and found out, that the cause seems to be the code minification, which our WYSIWYG-Editor is applying automatically: not working minified snippet ..<p>this is a along paragraph At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata...</p><p></p><p></p><p>Regards</p><p></p><p>hugo</p>..[/code]working snippet without minification ..<p>this is a along paragraph At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata...</p><br><p></p><br><p></p><br><p>Regards</p><br><p></p><br><p>hugo</p>..[/code]Is there any kind of solution you could suggest? Unfortunately, our WYSIWYG-Editor does not come with an option to store code without minification. Thank you so much for your ideas!
  5. Hi there, we have been using jasperreports happily in our projects for many years now - users can for example create PDF-documents based on their input in online forms. When users enter line breaks in the online form, our rich editor creates "<p></p>" tags - which was totally fine with PDF-documents created via jasperreports and text fields with markup "html" until some versions ago. When and why was the support (or let's say equivalent handling) of html tag "<p></p>" changed or removed, and is there a way to restore this behavior again? Unfortunately, we were unable to find any information about this. Thank you so much for shedding light on this matter! Regards, Gerd
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