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I am new to IReport..Can anybody tell me how to create a chart..how do i change the co-ordinates for example in a bar chart..for me..it come like 0.0,0.5,1.0 etc..i don't want it like that...


pie chart does'nt work for me..i tried the example given in demosamplescharts.. but nothing comes in the output..can anybody plz help me...





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I'm a little unclear on what the issue with the bar chart is - is it not creating the chart correctly, or is it working but the tick marks on the axis are not what you want?


On the pie chart demo - does anything show up? Is the demo database running? Any errors reported? Some info on what version of iReport, JaserReports, the JVM, etc would help too.



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I am using Japer Reports 1.2.5 , Ireport 1.2.5 and jdk 1.5..

I have attached the results of the demo chart i get and of the one i created..mine has both pie and bar charts..

The pie chart does'nt show up..I want to change the ticks in bar chart..What reset type and increment type should i use..i have attached my jrxml file too..

If u want any more info..i will give..


Post edited by: divsen, at: 2006/08/26 17:08

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This is the demo file

Iam not able to save it as pdf..if i save it a .jprint..i cannot post it here..i saved as html..but it is not clear..coz i can post only 1 file and the images the html needs are not there

Post edited by: divsen, at: 2006/08/26 17:07

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It looks like the problem is with the empty <incrementWhenExpresion></incrementWhenExpression> that is in both chart's datasets. If I remove them you report runs and both charts display. I'll take a look and see if its a bug in JasperReport. Also, I'm not quite sure what you want pie chart to show, but as it written it will have one slice named "Ages". You should change the keyExpression to be $F{Name}.



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I see. You need to create a group that changes when the ages change, and add an "order by" clause to the query so that the data comes back sorted by age. Then use the $F{age} as the key of the pie chart and $V{groupname_COUNT} as the value.


If you don't want the data in the table to be sorted by age, create a second query (dataset) for the pie chart to use. If you go that route you might as well use "group by" to select the age and the counts directly from the RDBMS and not bother creating a group.



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I have attached my result for the file u gave..

I think something is set wrongly in my system..which makes it appear like this..Because i cannot think of any other reason..

This is driving me crazy..

Can u post what result the same file produces for you.

Thank you very much..

Post edited by: divsen, at: 2006/08/28 21:40

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It is not showing any errors..Is there any settings i must make..or nay jar files that must be added..i downlaoded the ireports windows installer and installed it on my system..


one more question..when it try to use a report with a chart in a web page..it says some org package class is not found..which is the jar i must include for that..i have included the jasperreports-1.2.5.jar file in my lib folder..



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hai bklawans,


i have a similiary problem like divsen. When i create a 3D PieChart and compile that from ireport, i have a page that show a 3d PieChart.


But when i try to compile on the fly from a Servlet. my 3d PieChart does not show.


Can you help ?





andy susanto

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The webapp example does run in a war - try typing "ant war".


Take a look at the HTML of the web page without the chart and take a look at what the img tag is using as the source of the image - that should give you a pretty good clue. You may alse need to run your appserver with JDPA enabled and use a debugger to figure out what is going on in your environment.



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i am a newbie

thanks for sending the sample file Graph-4f8494a4d7ae9448740bc652ee7da0c8.xml

i have run the above file from ireport and i am able view the data in table but i am not able to view the pie chart,bar chart


Is there any settings to be done.

I am using ireport 1.2.5


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