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so this will be my last resort of things i would do with the jasper UI.

can we give specific role a CSS that applied last, which is after overrides_custom.css?

example : role admin will apply admin.css but role user will apply user.css

i really need that to hide several menu based on roles.

thanks in advance!




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hi thanks for your response!
i read almost everything but no idea how to do it (coz always easier said than did it right ? haha )
i follow https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v610/restricting-access-role quite a while and at last it resolved my problem.

clear answer if theres someone have this problem :
1. make a yourCss.css
2. open decoratorsdecoratorMinimalImport.jsp
3. add tag lib uri authz as link above, follow the link above part "Restricting a Section of a JSP File by Role"
4. give it your specified role (your link to the css can be below overrides_custom.css or anywhere that meet your requirement)
5. restart the app
6. login with superuser and upload yourCss.css to your active theme (cannot be default theme, idk if you can but i dnt know how)
7. refresh the page and login with the specified role
8. your css shoould be applied for that role only

thats it! hope that helps newbie like me as well!



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