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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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  1. fyi, the 5432 in console is a hardcode string, can ignore it or change it somewhere in postgre folder. find the script used to turn on postgre and u'll find the hardcode text. regardless, if u do the step above it shouldve been connect to the assigned DB.
  2. hi i want to know if anyone hv jasperserver v6.2.1 installed in your windows server 2016 and it works fine? i look at the guide instalation book it says windows server 2008 but currently im using it in windows server 2012 and its fine. so to make sure its also fine in WS 2016. please share your idea, thanks! regards - TV
  3. hi please check ur driver / lib. make sure u have the required driver installed within the apps. in my case i was losing ojdbc.jar regards, TV
  4. if u use jasperstudio or ireport, theres "pattern" properties. just click the elements and find "pattern" in the "text field" properties tab. theres some default pattern in there u can choose. regards, TV
  5. u cant add logic in parameter default expression, coz default expression will be overwritten by the time user give an input. try to add logic into ur SQL instead : select * from [table_name] where [column_name] = (case when $P{param_name} = 1 then 26 else 0 end) u can put the logic to variable. but i hvnt tried adding variable to the SQL. regards, TV
  6. found the way for bundling version - if you need to create DB first in remote server follow this step: 1. install the jasperserver with .run (linux) 2. change in buildomatic default_master.properties : host, port, dbusername, password & ucomment something like "js.dbName = jasperserver" (can change jasperserver to ur custom DB name else it will create DB by the default name jasperserver) 3. change jasperserver file META-INF/context.xml, change username, password & url 4. go to buildomatic command prompt and do './js-ant clean-config' then './js-ant gen-config' (using linux, if windows without ./ ) 5. then do './js-install.sh minimal' (minimal = no sample data), this step will create the DB with the new config in default_master.properties note that u need existing credential within the server allowed to create DB so buildomatic can create the DB. - if you already have DB created within the remote server : 1. simply change username, password and url in webapps/jasperserver/meta-inf/context.xml 2. restart jasperserver it shouldve connect to remote server. Regards, - TV - last update 13 aug 2020
  7. thank you and i did already tried it. so its because the admin dont allow my userid to crate omg.. now the DB has been created in remote server, cant connect to it when i start the ctlscript.sh start the postgre seems to connect to port default 5432 not the port i specified like 5551 any idea about that? thanks a lot
  8. hello all, so lets go to the main point. i already did ALL documentations provided but nothing! heres what i did : 1. install jasper 2. have postgre 9.5 in app server 3. have same postgre 9.5 in db server 4. test wether they can connect (yes they can connect) 5. change buildomatic/default_master.properties parameter, META_INF/context.xml 6. clean config 7. gen config 8. js-install.sh minimal 9. DB created 10. start service with "ctlscript.sh start" 11. postgre connect to 5432 (in remote server its 5551) how to setup the connection to the right port? any idea? pls help, any idea might give me a clue. regards, -TV
  9. found it! 1. u can check release note on ur jasper installed folder 2. use pgAdmin reference to : https://database.guide/how-to-check-your-postgresql-version/ 3. or lastly go to documentation of any version u need then find any file named tibco-jasperreports-server-supported-platform-datasheet it should have the better explanation. regards, TV
  10. hi, anyone can tell me where can i check compatible postgres DB for jasperserver ? esp jasperserver 6.2.4 linux? i want to make DB environtment then instal jasper with existing Postgres DB i've prepared. pls help regards, TV
  11. i think u can no pass variable from the subreport to master because master is generated first u can no pass a parameter until its exist and after the subreport is generated yea, theres no way itll tell its master a new param since the master is finished Goodluck ! -TV
  12. u can do : login as admin/superuser > manage > server setting > export check anything u want to export then name the export file. then go to ur production : login as admin/superuser > manage > server setting > import voila! -TV
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