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  1. trvpseudo's post in How to connect to remote server postgre? was marked as the answer   
    found the way for bundling version
    - if you need to create DB first in remote server follow this step:
    1. install the jasperserver with .run (linux)
    2. change in buildomatic default_master.properties : host, port, dbusername, password & ucomment something like "js.dbName = jasperserver" (can change jasperserver to ur custom DB name else it will create DB by the default name jasperserver)
    3. change jasperserver file META-INF/context.xml, change username, password & url
    4. go to buildomatic command prompt and do './js-ant clean-config' then './js-ant gen-config' (using linux, if windows without ./ )
    5. then do './js-install.sh minimal' (minimal = no sample data), this step will create the DB with the new config in default_master.properties
    note that u need existing credential within the server allowed to create DB so buildomatic can create the DB.
    - if you already have DB created within the remote server :
    1. simply change username, password and url in webapps/jasperserver/meta-inf/context.xml
    2. restart jasperserver
    it shouldve connect to remote server.
    Regards, - TV - last update 13 aug 2020
  2. trvpseudo's post in How to Find Compatible Postgre Version in Jasperserver 6.2.4 Linux? was marked as the answer   
    found it!
    1. u can check release note on ur jasper installed folder
    2. use pgAdmin reference to : https://database.guide/how-to-check-your-postgresql-version/
    3. or lastly go to documentation of any version u need then find any file named tibco-jasperreports-server-supported-platform-datasheet
    it should have the better explanation.
  3. trvpseudo's post in how to add css by role? was marked as the answer   
    hi thanks for your response!
    i read almost everything but no idea how to do it (coz always easier said than did it right ? haha )
    i follow https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v610/restricting-access-role quite a while and at last it resolved my problem.
    clear answer if theres someone have this problem :
    1. make a yourCss.css
    2. open decoratorsdecoratorMinimalImport.jsp
    3. add tag lib uri authz as link above, follow the link above part "Restricting a Section of a JSP File by Role"
    4. give it your specified role (your link to the css can be below overrides_custom.css or anywhere that meet your requirement)
    5. restart the app
    6. login with superuser and upload yourCss.css to your active theme (cannot be default theme, idk if you can but i dnt know how)
    7. refresh the page and login with the specified role
    8. your css shoould be applied for that role only

    thats it! hope that helps newbie like me as well!
  4. trvpseudo's post in encrypted LDAP password was marked as the answer   
    If you somehow experience the same problem, here are steps i did from the start :
    1. isntall jasperreport server (mine is 6.2.1 windows)
    2. setup your LDAP path and uid in the xml, then put it in web-inf :: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/v601/setting-ldap-connection
    3. input your plain text LDAP password in buildomaticdefault_master.properties, add "encrypt=true" and "propsToEncrypt=external.ldap.password" :: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v62/encrypting-passwords-configuration-files
    4. save file and open cmd, cd to buildomatic (or type cmd in buildomatic)
    5. execute "js-ant refresh-config"
    6. copy encrypted password in "default_master.properties" and paste it in "web-infjs.externalAuth.properties"
    7. restart the application
    maybe following the steps cause :
    1. "default_master.properties" cant be opened : use your pc admin user to open it or make a copy of it and delete the old one, then rename it to be the same as the one you delete.
    2. "js-ant refresh-config" build failed : delete build_confdefault manually, then execute again
    3. "js.externalAuth.properties" cant be opened : make a copy of it and delete the old one, then rename it to be the same as the one you delete.
    if you get error keystore init :
    1. open  "apache-tomcatbin"
    2. run as admin "jasperreportTomcatw.exe" (or similar to it with, notice the "w")
    3. open java tab and add your users :: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-security-guide/v62/encrypting-passwords-configuration-files
    4. restart jasper again
    it works for me after weeks of exploring and experiment and reinstall the app
    hopefully this will be complete guide for you and save you maany many hours :D
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