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I need help, has been some time I try make a report, the query of report send to me a relation of sales of all the year, and I need to create a new sheet for each month in the excel, I try put the "no pagination" and afther put the break line and every time my variable month change I create a new sheet, but this don't work, anyone know how I can do that ?



Gabriel Nadoroski

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Hi Paul Thanks.

I tried this once, don't worked, I believe I did the same thing in the article, but my jasper studio has a bug, the lines, and letters are white, i don't see nothing unless I click once in one line, I don't know it is the S.O I use or the software, I was using the ubunto 18.

I tried, but don't work, I have a question, after mark the xls.onepagepersheet type like true, in ignore pagination, i let mark this option too ? 
how I make the page broken ? 
I put the break, and I criated a group, and a field whit the month, also every time the month change, the idea was broke the page, but don't work 

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