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Dynamically change schedule parameters in JasperReport Server


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Is it possible for standard tools to dynamically change default value in the Schedule (Schedule, Output Options, Notification), depending on the report name, user name, etc?
Is it possible to substitute for example the user name, the name of the report in the schedule field?

For example:
if user login JasperReport Server is "User1", report name "Documents" then set in Email notification To: User1@mal.ru, in Subject: Report Documents for User1
if user login JasperReport Server is "User2", report name "Contarcts" then set in Email notification To: User2@gmail.com, in Subject: Report Contracts for User2

What is the way to solve this problem?

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Configure Default Values in Scheduler Notification Tab: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-configure-default-values-scheduler-notification-tab.

    toAddresses:  { address: ['User@mail.ru'] } - work, static e-mail User@mail.ru
    toAddresses:  { address: [LoggedInUsername] } - no work
    toAddresses:  { address: LoggedInUsername } - no work

How to get LoggedInUsername here?

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