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Condition in WHERE clause based on PARAMETER

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Hello guys,

I would like to know whether it is possible to use a CASE condition in my WHERE clause using a parameter.

For example, I have a query which takes the ID of the organisation as parameter:

SELECT org_name, org_addressFROM t_organisationWHERE id_org = $P{ID_ORGANISATION}[/code]

But it turns out that I have some organisations which have multiple rows in the table t_organisation and I want to use all their IDs in the query using the parameter..

What I want is something like this:

SELECT org_name, org_addressFROM t_organisationWHERE id_org in (    CASE when $P{ID_ORGANISATION} = '123'     then ('1231','1232','1233','1234')     else $P{ID_ORGANISATION}     end)[/code]

Any help would be greatly appreciated..


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I think this is an SQL question.

Try putting:

CASE WHEN $P{ID_ORGANISATION} = '123'     THEN ('1231','1232','1233','1234')     ELSE $P{ID_ORGANISATION}END[/code]

As a field and wrap this select with other select you can use for where clause for this field

SELECT *FROM(SELECT ..       CASE WHEN $P{ID_ORGANISATION} = '123'            THEN ('1231','1232','1233','1234')            ELSE $P{ID_ORGANISATION}       END AS FIELD_1FROM ..)WHERE FIELD_1 ......[/code]



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Yes, you are right.

Then, the only thing i know to do is this:


And use PARAMETER_LIST as java.util.List and its Default Value Expression as:

$P{ID_ORGANISATION}.equals("123") ?    Arrays.asList("1231","1232","1233","1234") :    Arrays.asList($P{ID_ORGANISATION})[/code]

This should work.


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