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  1. mlopez_1's post in 7.2 Jasperserver minutes displayed instead of month java.sql.timestamp was marked as the answer   
    You can use a textfield -> Properties -> Text Field -> Pattern to format timestamps
  2. mlopez_1's post in Calling a pl/sql procedure then doing select was marked as the answer   
    I make a trick and works very well.
    Use in Dataset and Query Dialog
    <queryString language="plsql">
      <![CDATA[{call my_procedure(some_input)}]]>
    With this we force to execute the stored procedure for filling temporary table first of all when opening the Report Unit.
    Make sure that 'When no data type' report property is set to "No Data Section'.
    After this, insert a table component in 'No Data' section. Table must have a Dataset, where you will put your temporary table's sql query and recreate its fields in this component.
  3. mlopez_1's post in Connection errors logging settings, I cant found error description was marked as the answer   
    Errors alway log at $JASPERSERVER_HOME/apache-tomcat/logs/catalina.out, NOT jasperserver.log
  4. mlopez_1's post in Condition in WHERE clause based on PARAMETER was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you are right.
    Then, the only thing i know to do is this:
    WHERE id_org IN $P{PARAMETER_LIST}[/code]And use PARAMETER_LIST as java.util.List and its Default Value Expression as:
    $P{ID_ORGANISATION}.equals("123") ? Arrays.asList("1231","1232","1233","1234") : Arrays.asList($P{ID_ORGANISATION})[/code]This should work.
  5. mlopez_1's post in Problem in Publishing a Report from Jaspersoft Studio to JasperReports Server was marked as the answer   
    Hi Sid, there are two approach for what you want to do.
    First, include the resource as a Report Unit local resource, Second, create a Repository Resource and use it inside Report Unit as a link of these resource.
    In both cases you have to reference the resource with "repo: resource_or_link_name".
    I use the second approach but both are goods.
    Take a look at https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v621/understanding-repo-syntax
    And see: repo: used without a path
  6. mlopez_1's post in Session closed and page got refreshed to home page - Jasperserver was marked as the answer   
    This a Tomcat issue.
    You must configure $JASPERSERVER_DIR/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/web.xml:
            <!-- Default to 20 minute session timeouts -->
    And restat the server.
  7. mlopez_1's post in Input Control - Multi-Select Checkbox Default Values was marked as the answer   
    Only if you make a scriptlet that returns a List after making the query.
  8. mlopez_1's post in jasper issues was marked as the answer   
    You must look at:
    org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function public.dblink(unknown, unknown) does not exist Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
    This your problem.
  9. mlopez_1's post in Jaspersoft Studio - More Than 1 Row in Table Footer was marked as the answer   
    If I understood, you only have to duplicate textfields that you need.
  10. mlopez_1's post in Jasper Server - input controls are blank was marked as the answer   
    Go to input control folder locations with jaspersever application and right click, select permissions and be sure that ROLE_USER has read only permission.
  11. mlopez_1's post in Report with many complex optional parameters was marked as the answer   
    For me is much more easier using:
    $X{IN, <column_name>, <parameter_name>}
    $X{NOTIN, <column_name>, <parameter_name>}
    $X{BETWEEN, <column_name>, <left_parameter_name>, <right_parameter_name>}
    If parameter values are null, translate it to always true value and doesn't affect to query.
  12. mlopez_1's post in Safety certificate for publish in jasper server was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/using-ssl-certificate-jaspersoft-studio-55
    Works for currents JSS
  13. mlopez_1's post in Jasperserver 6.3.0 CE hangs on loading report only if locale is diferent then EN was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at:
  14. mlopez_1's post in Where is network setting in Jaspersoft Studio Pro v.6.2.0.final for Linux? was marked as the answer   
    This is a bug, upgrade to 6.2.1
  15. mlopez_1's post in Initialize collection parameter was marked as the answer   
    Using something like this:
  16. mlopez_1's post in Just upgraded to JSS 6.0.0 from JSS 5.6.0. and error find: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: java.io.FileNotFoundException was marked as the answer   
    Solved!!!!. Follow this steps:
    - Export eclipse preferences
    - Rename folder workspace
    - Create folder workspace with the same name as renamed one
    - Copy all projects from old folder workspace to new folder workspace
    - Open JSS
    - Import preferences
    - Import projects
    - Create new Data Adapters like before were.
    - Create new JasperReports Server Connections like before were.
  17. mlopez_1's post in The Report makes me no Border was marked as the answer   
    When the borders is not showed you can use 'Bring to front' what is not showed.
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