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Missing bundle.js on JasperServer


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I have having issues embedding Heatmap(High Charts) chart to by website.

When I try to load the report via URL in the browser using default superuser/superuser account



I kept getting this javascript error

GET  404 - http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/com/jaspersoft/ji/adhoc/jr/require/bundle.js

It appeared the jasper server is missing some JS libraries any tips on how to resolve this issue? 


Edit: The AdhocView + the Report are all created with JapserServer on a browser not JasperStudio

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I can confirm that this is not just an issue with the report that i created. Even using the sample report from a fresh install from JasperSite (local,vm) 

using this report


The bundle.js 404 error is present. I think there is a bug in the high-chart integration (could just be the version i am working with. I did find a few hotfixes for version 6.3.0 i can try to apply those hotfixes and see if the problem will go away) 

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Got a solution:


The problem can be fixed by adding the following line to WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties:


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