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Jaspersoft Tomcat errors


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We were trying to refresh the Jaspersoft database on test environmnet with the hot backup of production copy. Post database refresh, jasperosft stopped working and giving 


Caused by: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: could not execute query; SQL [select this_.id as id5_0_, this_.version as version5_0_, this_.uri as uri5_0_, this_.hidden as hidden5_0_, this_.name as name5_0_, this_.label as label5_0_, this_.description as descript7_5_0_, this_.parent_folder as parent8_5_0_, this_.creation_date as creation9_5_0_, this_.update_date as update10_5_0_ from JIResourceFolder this_ where (this_.uri=?)]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query

Has anyone seen this error?

Thank you.

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it looks like the server is not able to access the underlying postgres database.

If you are using a war file installation, the buildomatic takes in database parameters and hard codes those values into the configuration files. its not that easy to find all the files with those values from my perspective.

I would not suggest copying your production database and using it for test. Instead try to use js-export and js-import.


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Hi All,


Thank you.


@Reportdev, we are using SQL server for Jaspersoft Database.


@Elizam, I am trying to understand your suggestion "server-level attributes to point to different databases in staging and prod". I will get back to you if I have any questions.




Is it ok if there is a minor difference in Tomcat version? (v 7.0.55 in prod VS v7.0.64 in Test). 


Jaspersoft server version is same though, tomcat is different.


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