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Date format changes from "February 20, 2017" to "F 20, 2017" when exported to excel


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We have a studio report where we are using "new java.util.Date()" field to populate the date in the report. The date field appears fine on the report but when exported to excel the format changes.

For example, In the report date field appears as "February 20, 2017" but when it is exported to excel it changes to "F 20, 2017". So, we have to manually format the filed in excel to short date and it appears as 2/20/2017.

Our objective is to eliminate the manual job to update the date filed format in excel, please suggest me ideas. 

Is there anything that we can do in Jaspersoft?

Thank you,


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I tried giving this property to report but it doesn't seem to be working. '

Went to Properties view and selecting "Advanced" tab and select "Misc" -> "Properties"

Name = net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.pattern

Value = true

Any other sugegstion?


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1. try replacing the field with DATEFORMAT(new Date(), "MM/dd/yyyy" )
2. Enter the Source code of jrxml by clicking on the Source tab for the report
3. you should find some property name, value pairs like below
<property name="ireport.jasperserver.user" value="reportdev"/>
4. At the end of these properties copy below property and save/publish
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type" value="true"/>

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