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How to set a row count manually?


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I'm building a report that's a sign in sheet.  I need to force the number of rows in the report to be equal to the capacity of the class (I have the class capacity as a field so I can reference it).  How do I force the detail band to print blank rows equal to this number?  For example:  A class  has a capacity of 20 students but only 10 have signed up.  When the sign in sheet is generated it should include 10 rows with student data and 10 rows without to leave room for handwritten entries on the printed copy.

I considered the print when expression but I'm not sure how to say "print rows until 'i' is equal to capacity like you would in a loop.

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Maybe I could force my query results to contain empty rows........

Consider that I'm trying to build a sign in sheet for a class.  If a class has a capacity of 20 seats (the max I expect) then I need 20 rows for people to sign in on.  However, if people have already signed up then I want to pre-populate their names.  So how would I force empty rows in the query?

tblClassSchedule.classCap is the number of rows I need to generate.

select *, (select  tblUsers1.userName  from tblUsers1 where tblClassSchedule.classInstructor = tblUsers1.ID )  as instructorName
from tblClassSchedule, tblClassRoster, tblClassInfo, tblUsers1, tblBranch
where tblClassRoster.classID = tblClassSchedule.ID
and tblClassInfo.ID = tblClassSchedule.classInfo
and tblClassRoster.attendeeID = tblUsers1.ID
and tblBranch.ID = tblUsers1.userBranch
and tblClassSchedule.ID = $P{classScheduleId}
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