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Can Jasper run a report that will send out multiple eMails based on a table field?


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What I am doing is trying to create an automated statement/reminder for customers telling them about their outstanding invoices.  I would like this to run once a month and automatically send a report listing the customers over due invoices.  There would be two ways to do this, one would be a single report sending out multiple eMails (each one unique of course).   Or two reports, the first report creating a like to customer numbers and eMail addresses, calling a second report to take in the customer number and eMail address and send out that company an over due report.

Has anyone ever looked at doing something like this before?   Is it easy, hard, impossible?

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I've done something like the first method but I created my own program to send email.

This may also be possible using Jaspersoft ETL (Talend ETL). The way to generate a report can be done by writing a program or by invoking REST API to schedule a report to be sent (I've used the REST API to schedule a report but I haven't schedule a report to be emailed yet.)

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