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JasperServer 6.0.1 custom font


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I am trying to get a custom font to render on the server. I followed the steps to add a font extension from within Report Studio, and the font works fine there. When deploying the report to the server, it doesn't render the custom font. Here are a few things I've tried so far:


1. Manually deploy the font to the server. I tried both "Add Resource -> Font", and uploaded the .ttf file, as well as "Add Resource -> JAR" and uploaded the exported .jar from the Font Extension. Didn't work.

2. Manually deploy the font extension jar to the server. I tried putting this in several different directories within the JasperServer directory, but none of them worked.

3. I followed the steps here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11017223/how-to-embed-font-courier-new-in-jasperserver to modify the jasperreports-fonts-6.0.0.jar with the new font .ttf files, as well as the modification to the fonts.xml file. Also did not work.


Anyone have any other things to try? The above steps are all I could find as far as custom fonts in server.


Thanks for any help in advance!

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Thanks for the suggestion hozawa. I tried putting the jar file in tomcatlib, and webappsjasperserverWEB-INFlib, has hozawa suggested. After a tomcat restart, putting the jar in either of these locations didn't get the font picked up.

Any other thoughts?



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I was having this problem and solved it with the following steps:


If the font is not being bolded or has other errors when uploaded to the JasperReportServer and rendered as a PDF, but is working correctly in the Jasper Studio renderer, try the following fix:
1. Find the report in the JasperReport Server web portal.
2. Right click it and select "Edit".
3. Click "Controls & Resources"
4. Click "Add Resource..."
5. Select the Font Extension file to upload or select on that is already on the server.
6. Repeat this for all font extensions used by the report.

See this link for more help (search for the section called "Deploying Font Extensions to JasperReports Server"):

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20200316223723/https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v640/working-font-extensions

For help exporting the font extension to a .jar file accepted by JasperReportServer see:

Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20200316224108/https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/custom-font-font-extension


Hope it helps!!!

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