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Upgrade Options: Export/Import OR Upgrade OR Overlay?


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Upgrade Options: Export/Import OR Upgrade OR Overlay?

The header says it all. We have a production JRS running 5.6.1 and we'd like to migrate to 6.1. Reading through documentation, it appears I have three options:

  • Export from existing JRS instance and then import into new JRS 
  • Perform an "overlay upgrade." This is not familar to me (perhaps new for 6.x?)
  • Perform a more traditional upgrade

My question is: what are the benefits/drawbacks of each of these?

In the past we simply performed an export and then reimported into a new instance of JRS.

Thanks for your insight.


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Thanks. When you say the choice is mostly on whether I've made modifications, it would seem to me that these could be re-implemented in a fresh install, regardless. For example, I've made changes to various bean files too manage password regex, password expiry, etc. It seems that it would be reasonable to re-implement these post-install.

If I were to ask my question differently... which is a safer or most trust-worthy upgrade solution, how would you answer this?

Thanks again.


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I usually just install the new version instance, update the modification files, and import the reports and other resources back in.

I've tried the overlay but I wasn't too sure which files were overwritten and which remained intact and trying to find this took more time to do.

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For most users, I think import/export is the better option. If you have made customizations, overlay can tell you which files you changed. You still need to update them or copy them over yourself. And because it's a more complex upgrade process, there are more opportunities for mistakes.

Note that, overlay is only supported for tomcat/postgres with war file install.   

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Hi All, I am trying to upgrade from version 5.6 to 6.1;  made lot of customization code in 5.6;  need to integrate those changes to 6.1;  steps taken so far:

1) download 6.1 source code, built successfully; deployed war file in tomcat.  if using post-gres sample db, able to login from UI.

2) but i've to use the oracle jasper db.  right now using the oracle jasper 5.6 db that I've already.  but getting error on tomcat start up. 

3) How do I fix this error.  I am trying to connect from jasper 6.1 source code to jasper5.6 database.  Can someone please let me know ASAP?


ORA-00904: "REPOPROFIL0_"."OWNER": invalid identifier org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'proOnStartPropagator' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/applicationContext-onStart-web-pro.xml]: Invocatio n of init method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException: could not execute query; SQL [select repoprofil0_.id as id12_, repoprofil0_.attrName as attrNam e12_, repoprofil0_.attrValue as attrValue12_, repoprofil0_.description as descript4_12_, repoprofil0_.owner as owner12_, repoprofil0_.principalobjectclass as principa6_12_, repoprofil0_.principalobjectid a s principa7_12_ from JIProfileAttribute repoprofil0_ where repoprofil0_.principalobjectclass=? and repoprofil0_.principalobjectid=?]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.initializeBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:1514) at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:521)

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