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  1. No official response. However, I did some research and it appears that dashboards are comprised of reports which are HighCharts objects. And because of this nesting, it's not possible to apply scaling to the child of an object (in general, it's generally considered bad design to draw into a hidden object in HTML/CSS). In our case, since our problem was redraw issues of nested reports in a dashboard (hence the desire to re-scale the dashboard and force a redraw), we decided to simply redraw the entire dashboard after it was displayed/resized. To put some visual context to the problem, see https://github.com/richbl/ng2-bootstrap-visualizejs, which was our use case for the problem. In the end, when the user tabs to a new dashboard, rather than attempting to rescale, we just redraw.
  2. Hello All, While the Visualize.js API permits the scaling of reports, the API does not appear to the use of the "scale:" attribute for dashboards. So my question is this: how to programmatically scale a dashboard renderered through Visualize.js? Thanks Rich
  3. @dpetzold: Thanks for the suggestion to load a single dashboard on each tab select (options 1&2). That's our current solution, and can get rather tiresome to have to reload each resource because of a redraw issue. But it does work. As for option #3, this is not a good solution as you'll end up with scrollbars and flickering, and it requires a specific design that could take advantage of this approach. On your last comment, yes, that's really the issue: rendering into a div that isn't displayed, yet still render correctly. It may be possible to render into offscreen coordinates, but this is generally a frowned-upon practice. Thanks
  4. Hello, Our team has been successful in developing a demo that uses the Jaspersoft Visualize.js library and the Angular Framework (2.0). A simple dashboard demo is located here: https://github.com/richbl/ng2-visualizejs A slightly more complex demonstration using authentication is located here: https://github.com/richbl/ng2-bootstrap-visualizejs Rich
  5. Hello, Our team has implemented two samples applications using Angular 2.0 and Jaspersoft's Visualize.js library. Here's a link to the latest demo: https://github.com/richbl/ng2-bootstrap-visualizejs A simpler solution is available on that same site: https://github.com/richbl/ng2-visualizejs Rich
  6. Hello All, I can't seem to find where grid size is managed for the Dashboard Designer in 6.2.x. It appears that the default grid size is quite coarse, at ~44x30 pixels. This does not give us the level of control to place reports accurately within the designer. So my question is: How do I change grid size in the Dashboard Designer? OR better still... How can I DISABLE snap-to-grid entirely? Thanks much. Rich
  7. Hello All, We've created a Github repository that demonstrates the Visualize.js library using the Angular Framework (Angular 2.0-beta). Please view it here: https://github.com/richbl/ang2-visualizejs. Rich
  8. Hello All, We've created a Github repository that demonstrates the Visualize.js library using the Angular Framework (Angular 2.0-beta). Please view it here: https://github.com/richbl/ang2-visualizejs Rich
  9. Hello All, I want to render several dashboards into separate tabs. Any two tabs are hidden at any time: the selected tab will show the current dashboard. Typically in Javascript, this is done by making a DIV (or SECTION) hidden until a button (or tab in this case) click from the user, then the appropriate DIV is set to visible. However, in a Jaspersoft Dashboard, each report element does not appear to render correctly. Rather, the containing report elements render into some minimum dimensions. So, when the dashboard is finally made visible, it is incorrectly rendered. Relatedly, this issue is also exercised when resizing a hidden DIV containing a dashboard: all containing report elements are reset to some minimum dimensions. Here's a simplified example of the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/richbl/5sobonv8/ In this fiddle, the dashboard is initially rendered into a hidden DIV. Pressing the button displays that DIV. Note that the dashboard report elements are not properly dimensioned. Further note that by resizing the window, the containing dashboard reports correctly refresh and are now properly dimensioned. Any suggestions on how best to resolve this issue? Thanks Rich
  10. Hello All, I have a question about input controls in JRS (specifically 6.1, but I don't my question is particularly version-specific). I'd like to present the user with a drop-list, the result of a query. So far, so good. Typically, the selection made by the user is passed out of the input control via something called the "value column." As an example, if I want to display a list of names to the user, I could generate a query that generated the following query results: LastName FirstName ID XX ======== ========= == == Adams, John, 123, ABC Lincoln, Abe, 345, CDE Washington, Geo, 567, EFG An input control can be created such that the "value column" is set to either ID or XX, while the visible columns can be set to Lastname and Firstname. So... here's my question: Is there a way to set the "value column" such that BOTH the ID and XX columns are set as values in the "value column"? To put it another way, when the user selects from the drop-list, there are TWO pieces of information that I want to gather, not just one (in this case both ID and the associated XX column values). Thanks much. Rich
  11. For completeness: The solution is really outside of Jaspersoft in that SSL encryption to the database is managed through the connectionUrl string that JRS users access via Data Sources. The string to add is a permutation of ";encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=true" (how you set these values will depend on the level of trust between JRS and the database). Hopefully this will help others out.
  12. Hello All, We're standing up Jasperreports Server (JRS) 6.1, using MS SQL Server as our database server. I'd like to configure the database connectors (data sources in JRS) to use SSL between JRS and the SQL databases, but I can't seem to find documentation in the Jaspersoft Docs library. The JRS data sources interface in the UI doesn't expose this, so I'm quite sure there are beans to configure somewhere. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks much. Rich
  13. @hozawa, Thanks. When you say the choice is mostly on whether I've made modifications, it would seem to me that these could be re-implemented in a fresh install, regardless. For example, I've made changes to various bean files too manage password regex, password expiry, etc. It seems that it would be reasonable to re-implement these post-install. If I were to ask my question differently... which is a safer or most trust-worthy upgrade solution, how would you answer this? Thanks again. Rich
  14. Upgrade Options: Export/Import OR Upgrade OR Overlay? The header says it all. We have a production JRS running 5.6.1 and we'd like to migrate to 6.1. Reading through documentation, it appears I have three options: Export from existing JRS instance and then import into new JRS Perform an "overlay upgrade." This is not familar to me (perhaps new for 6.x?)Perform a more traditional upgradeMy question is: what are the benefits/drawbacks of each of these? In the past we simply performed an export and then reimported into a new instance of JRS. Thanks for your insight. Rich
  15. I just repro'd this under Jasperserver 6.0, and the issue of a TypeError in 'Fn' of undefined (xdm.remote.js:6) appears to have been resolved. I suspect this was a js library component that was rev'd with the new release of the JRS.
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