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Hi all,


We're evaluating the editions/amis to choose on AWS.


Right now there are three choices on AWS. They are:

1. Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (Hourly)

2. Jaspersoft for AWS with Multi-Tenancy (Hourly)

3. Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (BYOL)


Where can I find the detailed differences on them? I can see the differences on 5 editions from this link: [https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions]. But I don't think there's a 1-to-1 mapping, correct? 


Also between the choice 1 and 2 above, is multi-tenancy the only difference? What I cannot do without the multi-tenancy feature?


And if we're planning to support more and more growing users (100~1000 concurrent), the only choice is to setup a cluster of the Jaspersoft servers, correct? Is there a more detailed guide for AWS besides this link: [https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v55/designing-cluster]?


Many thanks!

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Hi, thanks for your question. Here are the answers:

What is the mapping? Yes, use this as a mapping: https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions

1. Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (Hourly) = Jasperoft Professional features (except OLAP and Jaspersoft ETL)
2. Jaspersoft for AWS with Multi-Tenancy (Hourly) = Jaspersoft Enterprise features including multi-tenancy and audit logging (not OLAP and Jasperosft ETL)
3. Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (BYOL) = Jaspersoft Professional or Enterprise purchased on a one year or multi-year basis from our sales team, option to include OLAP and/or Jaspersoft ETL, and commercial support with service level agreement.
<<And if we're planning to support more and more growing users
<<(100~1000 concurrent), the only choice is to setup a cluster of the Jaspersoft servers, correct?
You can also scale up by exporting your repository, starting up a new instance and then importing the repository into the new, bigger instance. 
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