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Everything posted by xin.zhang

  1. Hi marianol, Thanks for your inputs. I got it there're two types of roles, one global and the other under certain orgs. Now I just tried create a new role under an org and it seems still not working. Steps to reproduce/verify: Create an org called "kfc";Create a role within "kfc" called "ROLE_USER_KFC";Put some testing html codes in dashboard within the authorize tags Login as jasperadmin under kfc;Still cannot see the testing codes created in step 3;Now change the above ifAllGranted value to "ROLE_USER" and I can see the testing codes.The above happens for both js and authz tags. Any thoughts on this?
  2. How to verify / reproduce the problem? Would restarting tomcat fix it?
  3. Hi all, I've tried the docs to implement restriction by Role and ORG but failed. ref: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v60/restricting-access-role-0 I'm running the paid instance v6.0.1 on AWS. I've tried both [js] and [authz] tags. None is working for me. <js:authorize ifAllGranted="ROLE_USER|kfc">...</js:authorize>[/code]<authz:authorize ifAllGranted="ROLE_USER|kfc">...</authz:authorize>[/code]However, if I remove the ORG part and only restrict by Role, that works for me. Is there anything I did wrong or it's a bug?
  4. Interesting. You found your solution to this yet? I want to do the other way around. :)
  5. How to get the exported report to be like the following: CountryYearSaleC12000100C12001200C1Totals300C22000100C22001100C22002100C22003100C22004100C2Totals500
  6. By default, the exported report (xlsx) has merged cells with same data. How can we unmerge the cell and have duplicated rows with same data? Let's use the following example, CountryYearSaleC12000100 2001200 Totals300C22000100 2001100 2002100 2003100 2004100 Totals500
  7. Thanks for your reply. Are you from the TIBCO company? Do you know how to get addon features for the pro edition? Also what's the AWS edition referring to? Many thanks!
  8. Hi all, We're working directly on some highchart scripts for adhoc views, to change the default viewing of some charts, e.g. pie/bar. Is it suggested we change the scripts directly or there are other ways to work around? Also, for most of these scripts, they are optimized/compressed. How can find their plain sources? For example, the (adhoc.page.js) under adhoc folder. I'm running aws v5.6.1 by the way. Many thanks!
  9. Up. We've got the same problem. Did you find a solution for this yet, Andy? Cheers, Xin
  10. Hi all, We're evaluating the editions/amis to choose on AWS. Right now there are three choices on AWS. They are: 1. Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (Hourly) 2. Jaspersoft for AWS with Multi-Tenancy (Hourly) 3. Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (BYOL) Where can I find the detailed differences on them? I can see the differences on 5 editions from this link: [https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions]. But I don't think there's a 1-to-1 mapping, correct? Also between the choice 1 and 2 above, is multi-tenancy the only difference? What I cannot do without the multi-tenancy feature? And if we're planning to support more and more growing users (100~1000 concurrent), the only choice is to setup a cluster of the Jaspersoft servers, correct? Is there a more detailed guide for AWS besides this link: [https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/jasperreports-server-ultimate-guide/v55/designing-cluster]? Many thanks!
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