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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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  1. Thanks for confirming you have it sorted out, Brian.
  2. 1) What are the performance results when running the query outside of Jaspersoft? 2) What database technology are you using? 3) Anything you can share about the query complexity and relevant schema?
  3. Just echoing Marianol's response as an "answer": Currently there is no direct connector for S3, but there are some things you can do to report on that data, like loading it to Redshift or using EMR. We are thinking about creating a connector but we do not have any good use cases, if you are able to share more info I will really appreciate it; send me an email mluna / tibco.com
  4. The user name is superuser and the default password is the EC2 instance ID which may be found in the AWS EC2 console. This is a change with v6.01 and described in the login page and the doc. Hope this helps.
  5. Glad to help, Nathan. My responses follow with "AL": 1) What is involved in migrating existing data to Amazon RDS? We're looking to migrate from a locally hosted Jasper Server installation to the cloud AL: This is an ETL exercise so that may be achieved with Jaspersoft ETL or other data integration approaches. Your concerns will likely be around a) speed and be) security. Googling gives many options: https://www.google.com/#q=migrating+data+on-premises+to+aws+cloud 2) Is the hourly rate based on logged in time or processing time or what?AL: The hourly rate is based upon the instance being on. There are a choice of instance sizes that vary in characteristics of memory and cores and are correspondingly priced. You can shut down the instance to stop charges for the instance and software, but you will still be charges for Amazon's EBS service. If you wish not to pay for EBS, simply terminate the server. Instructions are here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/Stop_Start.html?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRous6rLZKXonjHpfsX97uUvXqO2lMI%2F0ER3fOvrPUfGjI4GT8RiI%2BSLDwEYGJlv6SgFTrjNMa5r1bgLUxU%3D 3) Are there other fees involved in getting the premium html 5 visualizations?AL: No, you may sign up for Free Online Support -- the registration page you see when you launch your instance and that will entitle you to those visualizations. 4) Can Jasper iReports Designer AND Jaspersoft Studio connect to this web service in the standard fashion of connecting to an existing server?AL: yes, make sure the versions of the client match the version of the Jaspersoft server on AWS. When you register for free online help as described in "3)" you get a free 1 year seat of Jaspersoft Studio Professional. 5) Are Business Associates Agreements available? We'd be working with HIPPA protected healthcare dataAL: no. Reach out to TIBCO sales if you need a specialized agreement. Feel free to email me at alampitt DOT tibco POINT com
  6. Hi, thanks for your question. Here are the answers: What is the mapping? Yes, use this as a mapping: https://www.jaspersoft.com/editions 1. Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (Hourly) = Jasperoft Professional features (except OLAP and Jaspersoft ETL)2. Jaspersoft for AWS with Multi-Tenancy (Hourly) = Jaspersoft Enterprise features including multi-tenancy and audit logging (not OLAP and Jasperosft ETL)3. Jaspersoft Reporting and Analytics for AWS (BYOL) = Jaspersoft Professional or Enterprise purchased on a one year or multi-year basis from our sales team, option to include OLAP and/or Jaspersoft ETL, and commercial support with service level agreement.<<And if we're planning to support more and more growing users<<(100~1000 concurrent), the only choice is to setup a cluster of the Jaspersoft servers, correct?You can also scale up by exporting your repository, starting up a new instance and then importing the repository into the new, bigger instance.
  7. Jaspersoft 6.0.1 for AWS should be available on AWS Marketplace by January 23. An announcement will be posted here when it's live. (v6.0.0 is being skipped, going directly from v5.6.1 to v6.0.1)
  8. Sorry to learn of this. What type of table?... built with Jaspersoft Studio and trying to sort in the Interactive report viewer on JasperReports Server?... What is the data source?
  9. It's advised to use the cloud formation templates here in launching: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/launch And then the Redshift instance can be auto-detected and ease connecting as here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/connect
  10. There are now cloud formation templates that you may launch into a VPC (2nd tab page): http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/launch
  11. There are now cloud formation templates that you may launch into a VPC (2nd tab page): http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/launch
  12. Please refer to the email you received when having registered for Free Online Support. When did you register?
  13. We are sorry to learn of the peformance issues you are encountering. There are a couple items that we are exploring that could be the root to the performance issue you are encountering: 1) Instance size. If you are both using m1.medium, please be aware that it is only made available as a low-cost evaluation and development environment. Most customers seem to be successful with m1.medium for these purposes. Having said that, a bigger instance may address your issue. For production, four cores (such as in a Standard XL m1.xlarge) is generally suggested. If you would consider testing on a bigger instance, we would appreciate your further feedback. 2) client / chatter dialog in v5.5 and before. This is being addressed to reduce chatter in v5.6 which is scheduled to be GA within weeks. Thanks, Andrew Lampitt TIBCO, Jaspersoft Product Group Director, Cloud Services
  14. Hi Daniel, Are you sure you are using Jaspersoft Studio Professional? That's what you require to connect Studio to the JasperReports Server Repository. See doc attached which is a quickstart guide for Jaspersoft for AWS.
  15. Yes: 1) Save the report as a JRXML from Jaspersoft Studio (community edition/ open source) 2) Download Jaspersoft Studio Professional (commercial edition) from the Jaspersoft customer portal (and download and apply the license key): http://support.jaspersoft.com/ (***Note, for v5.5 and prior versions, get the license key from here: https://www.jaspersoft.com/user Ge the key called "jasperreports-4.....jrxml and apply it as described in the doc ***) 3) Connect Jaspersoft Studio Professional to the JasperReports Server repository on AWS. 4) Import your JRXML into the JasperReports Professional Repository. The attached document is for v5.6, which will be GA within weeks. But it's applicable still.
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