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How to copy complex remote reports in the workspace


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By complex I mean with several subreports.

I'm working with Jaspersoft Studio and I have successfully configured the access to a Jasper Server. I'm now trying to export a whole report (with all its subreports) from the server into my workspace.

I click copy on the report unit in the repository explorer, and then if I try to paste in the project explorer I encounter the following error:

    Cannot paste the clipboard contents into the selected elements.

My goal is to have all reports locally to do the report modifications and then publish them, because so far I can only edit the remote reports live.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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Assuming this is not a Jasper bug, I don't believe the Studio import/export functions understand report dependencies. In fact, I am reasonably sure they do not.


*If* I'm right, then you have two options: either bring each report or sub-report down individually; or, if you are familiar with the Jasper database, you can use a PHP script or may be even a SQL script to copy all the elements you'll need.


Again, *if* I'm right...


Either way, I would discourage you from going into the database directly.


Good luck,




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Jaspersoft Studio is just using JasperReports Server APIs to get information from the server. It's not Jaspersoft Studio not understanding but JasperReports Server APIs not being able to convert datasource properly.


I think the best way to solve this problem (without modifying JasperReports Server) is to pass datasource as a parameter.

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