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visualize.js - text double-spaced in viewer, but not in export

Go to solution Solved by hozawa,

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We're using visualize.js successfully now - great approach to embedding reports in our Liferay app. However, I've hit a rendering issue that feels like a bug:

When a report is rendered via visualize.js, the text in Text elements has additional space between the lines. There also seems to be a few pixels of space between the column band and the first group band, but the problem does NOT appear to be a band rendering issue, as we get extra space between lines of text within a single Text element. This bug is not evidenced in the export formats (.PDF, .DOCX, etc.) - reports look great on export.

So - bug in the visualize.js code? Would someone please advise? Jaspersoft - shall I file this as a bug?

Thanks, Ben

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Additional information:

Looks like visualize.js is taking the data, shoving it into the Text element, and when the line of text hits the right margin of the element, it inserts a <br></br> pair of tags. This seems to be what's causing the extra spacing. Why does visualize.js not use a paragraph tag for rendering the element?

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Hi hozawa - thanks for your note. It turns out that the problem is with the host application server, Liferay running on Tomcat. It appears that the underlying theme and related CSS are getting applied to the custom portlet we developed to render the reports (using visualize.js). We're struggling with how to prevent this CSS from getting applied to the portlet - no luck there, yet. But, it does NOT appear to be a problem with Jaspersoft technology. So, I consider this resolved with respect to Jaspersoft.


Thanks again, Ben

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