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how to set table row and column heights?


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I created a table with 10 columns, and it created them with a tiny widht (22), and a huge height (30).  So it looks terrible, and takes up 3 pages instead of 1.

It seems there is no way to get the columns to spread out to fill the full width of the table.  you have to work out by hand the required witdth of each column, then set it by hand on every cell.  It takes hours.

Then comes the height.  for some reason, the jasper studio default cell height is twice as high as it should be.  To change it, requires guessing the correct height in pixels, then manually editing EVERY CELL by hand. This also takes hours.

Why on earth is ther not a table property for row height and column width?  OR at least if you select mutliple columns/rows, and edit it, it should edit them all, not just a single cell.

It is also worth mentioning that setting every cell's strech value to "relative to tallest object" has no effect.

It makes tables unsable, unless there is some magic I am missing?

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I know this is an old post, but still worth replying.

In the table section of the properties, you can find two options:
- Fit columns to table element: this will fill the table with your columns
- Resize the columns taking the space from the next one: this prevents to change the table element size while resizing columns

Hope this helps


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