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How to make a ssh connection to a mysql Database?

Go to solution Solved by marianol,

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Hello everyone,

my question is how can i make a tcp/ip over ssh connection to use my mysql-Database.

I tried it with a Scriptet. The Scriptlet uses the command line with plink.exe(this is a command line version of PUTTY) and are right implemented.

But the method beforeReportInit() does not start before the report starts the MySQL DataAdapter. I ask me, why? Can I execute Java code before

connecting to the DataAdapter?

I'm looking forward to get a helpful answer. Thanks in advance for your help.


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Jou just need to follow the instruction of the mySQL DBC driver on using SSL connections http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/en/connector-j-reference-using-ssl.html just make sure that when you  import the MySQL server CA Certificate into a Java truststore, you are importing it in the JVM that Tomcat is using, and remember to add 'ssl=true' to your JDNC URL

It will probably be better to use JNDI, it may simplify your configuration and you will benefit form the Tomcat Server Connection Pooling

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but I think it doesn't word in that way. In that way I pass these Parameters(truststore-Data, keystore-Data) to the Database, but there has to be possibility to talk to the MySQL-Server. Previously there has to be a ssh-Tunnel, before I can pass Parameters to the MySQL-Server.

Are there maybe other ideas.

Thank you for more help in advance.

Kind Regards

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Have a look at Jaspersoft AWS ssh connection to mysql - one of the staff answered my question there. You need to go to a terminal prompt, then use ssh to establish a local port that is tunnelled through to a remote port. then set the local data source on to that local port for JDBC. He refers to http://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-aws/connect-emr option #2.

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