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Can I use two values in same row to create a new value and display it as a third column?

Go to solution Solved by elizam,

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Hello all,

I am supposed to create a report of a store where I need to calculate which items are sold more based on the total stock of items and total sold items and create a third column in report in percentage.
Is it possible to achieve this in Jasper report or I need to do something else ?

The report will look like as follow: I am able to fetch the item no, total in stock and total sold and I need to calculate the sold % based on total in stock and total sold.


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Need to carry out the calculation using the two fields of total in stock and total sold. (total in stock means when the shop opens at that time what ever was the stock) and this report is to be generated at the end of the day.) calculation would be 100*total_sold/total_in_stock using this calculation I want to display the precentage.
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For Jaspersoft Studio, I recommend looking at chapter 9, Variables, of the JSS User Guide.


You can create a variable and define an expression, which would be the calculation you want. Another possible calculation for the percent sold would be 100*total_sold/(total_in_stock + total_sold). There are problems with the calc suggested in previous answer, for example, if you sold everything, so total_in_stock = 0, you would get infinity for the percent sold, instead of 100%.

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