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How to install Jasper from command line?


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I have downloaded JasperReports Server (community) and now I need to install on a remote box ( linux CentOS ), how do I do this?  I cannot run a graphical installer.  I have searched documentation and the installation guide and have not found what I need.

--- 0 replies to this question

I was told by sales that some of the top developers frequently monitor the forum and answer questions.  This has not been my experience.  The lack of overall help on the forums really makes me question the decision as to whether to use/recommend Jasper for future projects that require reporting needs.  There is no community support = there is no Jasper community.
There simply is no community support here and a very noticeable difference between Jasper and other hybrid open source/commercial models like this.
If you look at the answers posted to each and every question you will mostly see a 0 answer by it.  clunk.
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Ouch. Well, let's see if I can help you with your current question.

So, the binary installer checks at startup time to see if it has a graphical environment that should be used to display to installer questions (ie such as which folder to install to etc). But if no graphical env is found then it will execute via the command line.

So, you should be able to copy the installer up to the centos box. Then open a bash shell into the centos box (say /home/user).

Then, this should work for you:   ./jasperreports-server-cp-5.2-linux-x64-installer.run

You will get command line prompts for accepting license, choosing type of install (get all components/samples or custom), etc.

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