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overrides_custom problems login screen on AWS Edition

Go to solution Solved by stegmann,

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Hello everyone

I uploaded a new theme (in root directory as a superuser) and activated it.

In this theme I included the following code in overrides_custom.css

loginPage #copy {
    display: none;

I wanted to disable the left column of the default login screen.
But I cannot see the changes in the login page.(even after deleting cache and restaring the server)
Changes regardig colors etc. apply correctly.
Can anyone help?



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I'm not sure why this is, but the following seems to work, at least on the stand-alone server (your code did not work on the stand-alone; I haven't tried AWS):

#loginPage #copy {    display: none;}#loginPage #loginForm {border:1px solid #666;position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;bottom: 0;background:#fff;width:260px;}

It will give you a blue background instead of the #copy area.  My guess would be that without the login form somewhere, the overrides don't work.  However, why it isn't putting the login form on the left, I don't know....

Note also you left # off the beginning of the first line in your example, but putting that in didn't seem to make it work.


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You could also remove all the branding. The Ultimate Guide has a section in Chapter 11 "Customizing JSP and JavaScript for the Login Page" that tells you where all the messages and logos are; you could use that to remove everything and make a white page.
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