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How can I publish jasper report in URL form


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My q is How can I publish jasper report in URL form??

Here I want to publish report by making its URL to user I have created in Jasper server.

Where user with correct credentials should be able to open or download the report.

How can I do this.

Please help me on this.

Thanks in advance.




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Just copy the Jasper Server URL when you are viewing the report. When the users goes to that URL if he is not logged in he will be redirected to the login page and after putting his credentials he will be redirected to that report.

The flow for creating those URLs is this:


Where ReportURI is the repository URI if the report for exaple: /reports/samples/AllAccounts and jasperserver.hostname is the DNS name or IP of your JasperServer

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hi marianol,

Thanks for reply , but its not working in my case as I have created ROLE "end_users" and added user in it and then on my report given permission to ROLE "end_users" of execute_only and same to user but with this I am not able to open URL of the report as when I login to it says Please contact your system administrator or log in as a user with permission.

I am not able to give correct permissions or some thing else is going wrong.

Please help me.



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OK, 2 things:


1) Allow assign ROLE_USER to the user in question if he does not belong to that Role he will not be able to login.

Actually, all users need at least ROLE_USER or ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR roles in order to log in and select menu options. If you want to change this (not recommended) is possible, but you have to edit the "applicationContext-security.xml" file and add your new role at the right place in order to have rights to load and execute the jsp files like login,flow*, etc.


2) "Execute Only" is not the right permission for what you need to achieve, the report needs "Read Only" privileges for that Role.

Remember that with "Execute Only" the user has no permission over the object you are only allowing another object which the user has at least read permissions to execute that particular object from within. Common cases are sub-reports, datasources, input-controls, etc.





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