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How to create executable jar file from report with csv datasource


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I've created several reports in ireport using a csv datasource.  I'd like to distribute the reports as jar files so only the csv file needs to be updated.  I'm at a loss of how to go about this.  I tried working with Ant and Netbeans, but I haven't gotten very far.  If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be great.



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Sounds like you would need to develop an application around the JasperReports library to read in the csv and execute and fill the reports.  

I would recommend looking at leveraging the JasperReports server as it will allow you to avoid shipping around a jar file which will likely require you to also get everyone set up with java.  For what would probably be less work, you could have a place that people could access the reports with a browser.  Adding in a file datasource to the server, or setting up a DB and using Jaspersoft ETL to load the data would likely create a much more scalable and usable solution.

If you want to create the application, you will need to do some studying of the JasperReports library and its APIs so that you can build the app that you need.

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