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XML Datasource, Table and getting null values


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 Hi guys, im totally new to ireport. I have read a few guides...but i cant find enough xml info as i would find on sql.

My problem is a simple table. Im using the addressbook example as xml datasource. Im trying to display the attribute name in a table, but im getting null values, no matter what node I use ill get the same result, its kinda weird because I get the exactly number of rows in each node (for example is I use the xpath for name ill get 2, if I use the xpath for lastname ill get 4) but with null values.

This is what im using for firstname:



What Im doing wrong? Thanks a lot!

If you recommend a ireport guide for xmls it will help a lot :D Thanks again!


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First, given the number of questions on the topic, I have to absolutely find the time to write a good tutorial about using XML with iReport/Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports.


Anyway, let's say you have an xml of type:

+-- B
       +-- C
       +-- C
       +-- C
       +-- C
       +-- C
       +-- C

The main xpath query should be /A/B so you can use each node B as record for the master report.

For tables, list or subreports we want to print the C nodes of the current B node, so the datasource expression will be:



in the context of the node B, creates a data source with elements of type /B/C


For your reference:






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