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Linux != Windows?


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 Hello all.

I have some reports (jrxml) in a JasperReports Server 4.0 repository running on a Linux machine. I exported these reports using js-export (js-export.sh --uris /XXX/Reports --output-dir /home/oracle/jasper_exp).

I imported them to another Linux server running the same configuration. Everything fine. But when I imported them into a Windows server, also running JasperReports Server 4.0, some reports do not look the same when displayed. Some text fields seem not to fit in the same frames as before, so them are not displayed. What is the trick? All configs are CE.

Thanks in advance.

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It sounds like you did this pretty carefully. So, it seems to me that you might have found a bug. The way to know for sure would be to do a comparison of the JRXML files that are in the repository. But the only way to get at these JRXMLs is to do yet another export.

At any rate, can you write a bug on this? Please see if you can get a specific example of the UI display (two screen shots perhaps) of the resulting difference between Windows and Linux. And then describe the steps that you have described above.



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 Sure I can.

It was a more complex report, so I removed some items like sub-reports and images, but the way it is now you can clearly see the difference between the Windows and Linux server results. I am also attaching the jrxml file. The same file was published on both servers, and the results are different. The workaround I used was to rezise the fields that were missing when using a windows server.

Is there anything else I can do?




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