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Hello. I have a report published on JasperReports Server 4.7 that is invoked by a URL with parameters. I need to be able to select my data source dynamically because I need to query different schemas on my Oracle database. I mean, the data source name must be passed as a parameter and so the report queries one schema or other. Without that, I must have 2 copies of the same report, each one using one of the datasources. How could I accomplish that (if possible)? Thanks in advance.
Hello. I've been using JasperReports Server 4.0 for a while, calling reports from Oracle Application Express. The form sends the following URL to the JasperServer: This works ok with Jasper Reports Server 4.0. Then I installed, on the same server, Jasper Reports Server 5.0, but using other ports. I exported my resources folder from 4.0 and imported into 5.0. The URL turns into this: This one does not open my report. In this case, I receive the error: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: jsexception.could.not.find.resource.with.uri I can run the report on 5.0 if I navigate through the repository and click into it. Any clues? Thanks in advance.
Hello all. I am using iReport 4.0.2. My Windows 7 language is Portuguese (Brazilian), but I would like to use the iReport IDE in English (I am used to it). I couldn't find where to change it. Could you help me, please? Thanks in advance CInglez
In the attached chart, I need the dashed line to go all the way to the X and Y axis. How could I accomplish this? Thanks in advance
Hi. Is there a way to customize the size? I mean, my chart creates squares as shapes, but they are too big. How can I make them smaller? I am using this code: public void customize( JFreeChart jFreeChart, JRChart jrChart ) { XYPlot xyPlot = ( XYPlot )jFreeChart.getPlot(); XYSplineRenderer splineRenderer = new XYSplineRenderer(); splineRenderer.setSeriesShapesVisible( 1, false ); splineRenderer.setSeriesLinesVisible( 1, false ); splineRenderer.setSeriesVisibleInLegend( 1, Boolean.FALSE ); splineRenderer.setBaseItemLabelsVisible(true); splineRenderer.setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new StandardXYItemLabelGenerator()); splineRenderer.setSeriesStroke( 0, new BasicStroke( 1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 1.0f, null, 0.0f ) ); //splineRenderer.setSeriesPaint(0, new Color(0, 1, 165 )); splineRenderer.setSeriesPaint( 0, new Color( 255, 140, 0 ) ); xyPlot.setDataset( 1, xyPlot.getDataset(0) ); XYItemRenderer defaultRenderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(); defaultRenderer.setSeriesVisible( 0, Boolean.FALSE ); defaultRenderer.setSeriesVisibleInLegend( 0, Boolean.FALSE ); xyPlot.setRenderer( 1, defaultRenderer ); xyPlot.setRenderer( 0, splineRenderer ); } } Thanks in advance
Well, since there is no answer, must I assume It cannot be done? Thanks
Hello all. I need to create a graphic (horizontal line), where the values for the X axis are on top AND botton. The plotted values are on botton, and on top there will be referenced values. Example: Y axis: Revenues / Price x axis (botton): Price in US Dollars x axis (top): Price in Brazilian Reais Is there any way to do this ? Thanks in advance
Sorry, I could not understand. What do you mean by "not embedded"? Thanks for the reply
Sure I can. It was a more complex report, so I removed some items like sub-reports and images, but the way it is now you can clearly see the difference between the Windows and Linux server results. I am also attaching the jrxml file. The same file was published on both servers, and the results are different. The workaround I used was to rezise the fields that were missing when using a windows server. Is there anything else I can do? Thanks
Hello all. I have some reports (jrxml) in a JasperReports Server 4.0 repository running on a Linux machine. I exported these reports using js-export ( --uris /XXX/Reports --output-dir /home/oracle/jasper_exp). I imported them to another Linux server running the same configuration. Everything fine. But when I imported them into a Windows server, also running JasperReports Server 4.0, some reports do not look the same when displayed. Some text fields seem not to fit in the same frames as before, so them are not displayed. What is the trick? All configs are CE. Thanks in advance.
Hello to all. I have followed the JasperServer Localization Guide, but I have not being successful. I need to create and use a resource bundle for Brazilian portuguese (pt_BR). - I have created te .properties files - I have included the bundle on applicationContext-security.xml - It works IF there is no special characters. I have already changed the applicationContext.xml file: <constructor-arg value="ISO-8859-1"/> But special characters are still not displayed correctly. Any ideas? I have lost a lot of time on this... Thanks in advance.
Hi all. I am new to this forum. I am having a problem when trying to use date columns on an analysis view. When I drill down to day level (the date), I get the following error: "javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy". When I try to run the MDX on Schema Workbench, I get: Mondrian Error:Internal error: Error while executing query [select {[Measures].[Vendas]} ON COLUMNS, Hierarchize(Union(Union(Union(Union({[Periodo].[Todos os Periodos]}, [Periodo].[Todos os Periodos].Children), [Periodo].[Todos os Periodos].[2002].Children), [Periodo].[Todos os Periodos].[2002].[Terceiro Trimestre].Children), [Periodo].[Todos os Periodos].[2002].[Terceiro Trimestre].[Agosto].Children)) ON ROWS from [Vendas] ] Illegal DATE literal: 2002-08-01 00:00:00.0 It seems to be someting with date format (in this case it is an Oracle JDBC connection). For this level (dimension) I use: Type: Date levelType: TimeDays uniqueMembers: true. How should I proceed? Thanks in advance
Hello all. I downloaded and I just can't find any doc telling me what to do with those files. Seems to me that those should be used replacing some of the original *.properties files, but there are no files with similar names. I am using JasperServer 3.7. I do have both opensource and licensed Professional editions. Thanks in advance
Hello everybody. Where could I find some demos on JasperAnalysis / JasperServer. It could be online or downloadable. I need to show the features to my colleagues, since we are evaluating the community and professional versions. Is there something like that? Thanks in advance. Carlos Inglez
Well, I followed the JasperServer Localization Guide. I created the files and Inside the config file I changed the date formats, but could not see where to change the number formats. In the applicationContext-security.xml, I added the line <value type="java.util.Locale">pt_BR</value>. Restarted Jasper Server. The documentation sugests it should follow the user's browser default locale. But I tried it on a brazilian portuguese Windows machine and the number formats are still american-style. On iReport the only thing I did was to change the pattern for that text box to currency (it was showing the american format). What am I missing here? Please help Carlos