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Reports in ZIP File?


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 Do you know js-import and js-export utilities?

From Command Line you can export everything from JS Repository to file system:

 js-export --uris=path_on_JS_repository --output-dir=dir_on_filesystem

 js-export --uris=path_on_JS_repository --output-zip=zip_on_filesystem

Read JasperServer User Guide, pages 51-52.

Schedule a OS task using js-export utility.


Post Edited by helyair at 02/10/2011 08:05
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I'm new to jasper and i cant seem to find the repository where the files are saved..

As far as i can tell the files/reports are not being saved (at least not in the xsl or pdf format), because although i can see them on my web "app", i cant find them by doing a search in unix.

Am i missing something?

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 Thanks for your reply..

I noticed though, that some of my reports take around 1 minute to be generated (for the first time), after that, each time i want to download the file it immediately begins download of the xls or pdf file, which makes me think that at least the information is stored somewhere.. Are they stored in a mysql table? Or in binary form somewhere?

This information would be of great use to me.. 

Any help is appreciated.. thanks in advance.


[update from Tony] Since you asked ... when you run a report, the JRXML file needs to be compiled by JasperServer into a java object that can now be used for displaying the actual report. Compiling takes some time. The compiled JRXML files are stored in the database table JIRepositoryCache.

Post Edited by tkavanagh at 02/15/2011 21:47
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I Think when you generate the report initially it generates it in some complicated internal XML format which is stored either in MySQL or in memory or somewhere. Then this raw report is then transformed to be either the HTML or the PDF, XLS , etc on demand which dosn't take long at all.I don't think it re-runs the report for every export type.

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Oops, I didn't see your reply at first. Yes, you are exactly right. The specification of a report is a JRXML file (which has an XML format). This JRXML file needs to be compiled into a Java object. This compilation takes a little time - and is happening at the same time that your system is trying to get data to fill the report. The upshot is that the first time a report is displayed it takes longer.

After compiling the report, JasperServer caches it so as not to have to compile it again. This compiled java object is stored in the JIRepositoryCache database table (as a blob).

Now, the report is also in memory. So if you output to different output types, JasperServer does not have to "re-fill" the underlying data. But if you logout and or refresh the report - it will go and get fresh data from the database.

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