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Installing Driver - jdbc:caribou:jsqlingres


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I don't have any experience with Ingres, but when I have someone install iReport and they have to use a special database driver (IBM DB2 Universal Driver, in our case), I first have to register the database driver through the services window  as follows:

1. Make sure you know where the jar file is on your PC (in my case, it's a file called db2jcc.jar)

2. In iReport, Window | Services

3. Select databases node and expand it.

4. Select Drivers node, right click it, and select "New Driver"

5. Add the driver, using the "Browse" button to find the jar file.


From then on, when you add a new connection, you should change the dropdown "Name:" from the default of "JDBC-ODBC Bridge" to the database driver of your choice (which should appear in the dropdown now that you've registered it).

Hope that helps.


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