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  1. Hello, Does anyone know if you can create a Pie Chart and then use JSP to show it in a webpage? Can this even be done with iReport? My Goal is not to use iReport for a stand alone report, but to use its PieChart and XY chart to show in a dynamically created page. This is similar to what a tool named Fusion Charts can perform.
  2. Matt, Thank you for replying to my post. First, I have an attachment to show you what I mean. The "Pie 3D Chart" has something called the "Pie3DPlot" Properties. There is a property named "Label Format" , in my case I want the format to be "{0}, {1}" to display the "Name, Value". When I look at the preview the pie chart only shows the value and it does not show comma or the name. This however works fine with the "Legend label format" property when I set the value to "{0}, {1}".
  3. I want to add a simple Pie Chart Graphic to my webpage. My webpage is a JSP page. These are the steps that I am following, what is next? 1) Use I report to generate a 3D pie Chart a) Create a 3D Pie Chart b) Add three parameters: $P{countUS}, $P{countInternational}, $P{countCanda} b) Compile: creates GeographicBreakdown.jrxml, GeographicBreakdown.jasper, & GeographicBreakdown.html. 2) ? - What next? 3) What do I do with these files? How do I include it in my webpage Code:<%@page import="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader"%><%@page import="net.sf.jasperreports.view.JasperViewer"%><%@page import="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.*"%><%@page import="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JasperDesign"%><%@page import="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.xml.JRXmlLoader"%><%JasperDesign jasperDesign = JRXmlLoader.load("../reports/GeographicBreakdown.jrxml");%>
  4. Why does the PREVIEW look different from the DESIGNER. I am trying to get my pie chart to display in the following format: "Test, Value" However, the DESIGNER is showing something different from PREVIEW. What can be done to resolve this?
  5. How could I install a driver for Ingres? jdbc:caribou:jsqlingres com.cariboulake.jsql.JSQLDriver
  6. I am attempting to create a "Database JDBC connection" with Jaspersoft Designer 3.7.6. When I specify JDBC Driver as "Ingres (com.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver)", the server adrres, URL, and click on Test I get an error: ClassNotFoundError! Msg: com.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver Possible not found class: com.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver ... Does this mean the this tool does not have this driver. How would I add this driver so this tool can connect to the database?
  7. Hello, I am attempting to create a simple Pie Chart in a webpage (*.JSP file). However, I don't quite know how to do this and thus far have not been able to find examples. To start I want a simple pie chart with static data. Eventually I will be getting this data from SQL server. I'm looking for an example with the following: Code:<%@ page import="" %> <% // Java Code goes here // Create iReport object// Initialize the object with data// Now display the object in the webpage%>
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