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Reporting Only Users - disable permissions on Create Report???


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I have a JasperServer AD Hoc install where I have a user group that will only be running reports and never creating reports.  I have set up a role for these users and have removed all permisisons from every folder in their organization exept Read.  However, no matter what I try I cannot get rid of Creat a Report or Create a Dashboard.  Worse, when the users go into this option they are actually able to use Ad Hoc tools to browse the Domain, find the sets and Items they want and actually generate a report.  They cannot save the report but they can create one.  My goal is to NOT allow them to even have access to create anything, they need to be truly read only users where they come in and select a report and execute it from the list available in the repository.

I feel like this should be easily doable but I just cannot find anything that allows me to shut down Report or Dashboard creation.  Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated.


Post Edited by aaronweiss at 12/09/2010 22:53
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Presumably you want some users to create and others not to that's why you're not using the community edition!!!

We've done this for our read only users. You'll have to hack around with the underlying code I'm afraid because not sure it can be done completely via permissions and roles. The problem is that the defautl role of role_user has access to create and all users have this.

The main create tab is defined in JI-menu.xml - if you've got the source it will be in <src install path>/jasperserver-pro\jasperserver-war\src\main\webapp\WEB-INF\classes\JI-menu.xml

You need to do something like this for the create menu :

   <menu-item name="NAV_005_CREATE">
          <!-- comment this line out <role>ROLE_USER</role>-->
          <!-- add this line -->
          <menu-item name="NAV_051_ADHOC_REPORT" url="/flow.html" servletParams="_flowId=adhocFlow">
          <menu-item name="NAV_050_DASHBOARD" url="/flow.html" servletParams="_flowId=dashboardDesignerFlow&createNew=true">


One caveat is that this is from JS 3.5.1 so may be different for newer version.

Hope this helps.


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