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Well my question has two parts.

1. While trying to add an input control for a parameter in my report, I get a validation error that "A resource already has this name". I've spent a lot of time on this issue but yet not solved. Please help me regarding this.

2. Is it possible to deploy our reports on JasperServer without iReport?

Also I want my report to be viewed without the jasper server header. How can I remove that above part. The thing I actually want to do is to integrate the JasperServer wiith my web application.


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Please post these questions to the JasperServer forum.


Well, question 1 might be about the JasperServer plug-in in iReport. If so, please add some details about what steps you are following and include the versions of JasperServer and iReport. Questions 2 and 3 seem to be purely JasperServer questions.


(You could add the input control using the JasperServer web UI. Try this and see if it avoids the problem with "A resource already has this name".)



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1. Not sure, obviously you have checked that there isn't a resouce of the same name on the server. Maybe log in to the server or database to make sure that the resource is really deleted.


2. Yes, u can add resources from JS without ireport. JS provides a add report interface. Alternatively u can add the jrxml file along with the resources directly into the database if you know what you are doing :D the jrxml file is stored on JS as text rather then blob

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snipp >>

   Also I want my report to be viewed without the jasper server header. How can I remove that above part. The thing I actually want to do is to integrate the JasperServer wiith my web application

    This you can achieve by commenting some lines of code in this file [ < your tomcat-home>/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/decorators/main.jsp]

And, also i have attached my 'main.jsp' , pl.look at attached file and look for commented lines in attached main.jsp . do commenting same line in your 'main.jsp'. It will remove header and footer stuffs .


Note : comment are starts and end with with <! - -            -- - /> and do one by one set of comment then only you come to know what are the things are dispapering in the UI.   :)

Thats it. ..

If any qns let me know..


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